Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Modernization of working processes of Library subdivision of Karaganda State Medical University
03 November 2016
The Library of Karaganda State Medical University is a new model of informational, cultural and educational center, which provides access to training and educational, scientific literature of national and foreign publishers, information resources and educational databases on the Internet.
"Especially dangerous infections: here and now”.
03 November 2016
On 20 October at Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenerology was held a conference on topic "Especially dangerous infections". The conference was arranged by students of 7-086 and 7-070 groups under the guidance of Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences N.A. Timchenko, with participation of 4, 6, 7-year students who study on the basis of Department.
The first meeting of the English speaking club
03 November 2016
On the 29th of October, 2016 the first meeting of the English speaking club was held. The topic of the meeting according to the schedule was: “First impression”. 1st year and 2nd year students of KSMU took part in it. During the meeting the following questions were discussed: Should we trust our first impressions? Is the first impression right or wrong?
The Multilingual Club’s meeting at the Foreign Languages Department.
03 November 2016
On the 28th of October, the first Multilingual Club’s meeting «Where there’s a will there’s a way (a role and opportunities of multilingual education) » was held at the Foreign Languages Department. The Head of the Foreign Languages Department V.A.Burmistrova, the students of GM 1-016, 1-021,1-022,1-023participatedin the meeting.
First step
02 November 2016
On 28 October Youth Work Department arranged a meeting for students of KSMU with Miras Kargabay, a Principal Specialist of the Department of the Ministry for Public Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Karaganda region.
World Stroke Day
02 November 2016
The World Health Organization announced October 29 as the World Stroke Day.
“Vesta” club
02 November 2016
A new club entitled “Vesta” was established in KSMU in 2016 at the initiative of Youth Work Department. The main line of activity is promotion of family values, that is why Vesta, a name of a Roman goddess, was chosen as the name of the new club unanimously by all the participants.
Debate tournament for Cup of “Nur Otan” Party
01 November 2016
On 22 October in Karaganda was held XIV Regional Debate Tournament for the Cup of “Nur Otan” Party. The main purpose of such tournaments is searching and encouragement of young politicians capable of holding a discussion, defending their point of view, protecting the interests of their team skillfully and convincingly.
Honest session
01 November 2016
On 25 October at the main building of KSMU, Youth Work Department together with the members of “Zhas Otan” Youth Wing of “Nur Otan” Party Aubakіrova Symbat, Abilzhanov Zangar and Edіlbaev Ersyn conducted an anonymous questionnaire survey among the students of Karaganda State Medical University.
Fight against corruption
01 November 2016
On 24 October, Youth Work Department together with the Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan conducted an information meeting of the representatives of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption of Karaganda region Didar Smagulov and Miras Kargabay with the students of KSMU. The Vice-rector for Educational and Methodological Work V.B. Molotov-Luchanskiy also attended the meeting.
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