Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
“Vesta” club

“Vesta” club

02 November 2016

A new club entitled “Vesta” was established in KSMU in 2016 at the initiative of Youth Work Department. The main line of activity is promotion of family values, that is why Vesta, a name of a Roman goddess, was chosen as the name of the new club unanimously by all the participants. 

    The main purpose of the new club is preparation of young people for creation of a healthy and solid family.

    Philosophy teacher of Department of History of Kazakhstan Zholamanova Alma is the author of the idea of club establishment. Her idea elicited a good response from the university youth.

      At club meetings, girls can distract from the educational process in order to develop personal qualities, knowledges and skills that will help them to become good wives and mothers in the future. The topics of the first seminars were “Nature of men and women” and “Knitting warmth together”. The workshops “Beading” and “How to overcome fear of public speaking” are planned in future.

      The organizers of “Vesta” club would like to invite young men to participate in seminars on family psychology. It is very important that along with the girls, our young men also get knowledge about family values, how to create a family and raise children, respect parents and build relationships with friends.

      In the age of information technology, we should go with the times. With this purpose, on student portal of KSMU (www.sp.qmu.edu.kz ), social networks “В Контакте” (www.vk.com) and “Instagram” (www.instagram.com) are put web pages of “Vesta” club, through which everyone can get acquainted with the work of the club and get information about planned seminars.

                                                     Youth Work Department



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