Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
World Stroke Day

World Stroke Day

02 November 2016

The World Health Organization announced October 29 as the World Stroke Day.

Stroke is a disease in which blood supply to certain areas of the brain is disturbed for some reasons. As a result, body functions under control of affected areas of the brainsuffer most. Dispassionate statistics shows that every year nearly 15 million of people suffer a strokeworldwide, and from three to five millions of them die.

In order to increase public awareness of this disease, the Ministry of Communication and Information of “Samruk” SR, supported by a specialist of Youth Work Department Mambetova A.A., conducted a number of activities. Students Netalieva A. and Mustafina H. conducted an opinion poll among the residents of the city, and as a result revealed that nearly 75 percent of common citizens do not have any idea about this disease and consequently do not know the order of actions when facing it.

For enhancement of awareness of city population, the activists of the Ministry prepared a videoclip with information about early diagnosis of stroke and first aid for this disease. The videoclip was broadcasted on educational TV of the University. Information brochures were posted in social networks.

For knowledge improvement of KSMUstudents was played an intellectual game entitled “Stroke is the plague of XXI century”. At the result of heated intellectual battles, the victory with the minimum margin was scored by “Братство Асклепия” team. “Whitecoats” team took the second place, “Реаниматологи” took the third place and “Пентада”team took the fourth place.

At the end of the event all the participants of the game were awarded diplomas and letters of gratitude.

Sakhanova A.

Ministry of Communication and Informationof “Samruk” SR



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