Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Honest session

Honest session

01 November 2016

On 25 October at the main building of KSMU, Youth Work Department together with the members of “Zhas Otan” Youth Wing of “Nur Otan” Party Aubakіrova Symbat, Abilzhanov Zangar and Edіlbaev Ersyn conducted an anonymous questionnaire survey among the students of Karaganda State Medical University. The questionnaire survey was conducted in the framework of the National project entitled “Honest session” and was aimed atthe study of the quality of educational services rendering and uncovering corruption at the University.

  The organizers of the action called the students for active participation in corruption prevention at the University and not to be afraid of asserting the rights to obtaining qualitative education.

  Nurumbetova Fariza

  Leader of Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan in KSMU



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