Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


“Nutritional biochemistry: what are the dangers of excessive consumption of sugar-containing products” and “Formation and consequences of insulin resistance”.
05 April 2017
In the framework of the activities on educational work with the students of KSMU, the teachers of the Departments of Biochemistry and Pathological Anatomy conducted a meeting in the form of a round table with the students of the Dormitory No. 1. The teachers of the departments held a discussion and presented the interactive material on the topics: “Nutritional biochemistry: what are the dangers of excessive consumption of sugar-containing products” and “Formation and consequences of insulin resi
Scientific and practical student’s conference "Multilingualism as a development factor of the specialist of a new formation"
04 April 2017
In KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, the Republican scientific and practical student’s conference "Multilingualism as a development factor of the specialist of a new formation" was held. The conference topics were: "Professional education and language of the specialty", "Language and culture", "Dialogue of cultures".
Career Guidance
04 April 2017
In accordance with the plan for career guidance for 2016-2017 academic year, a senior teacher of the Department of Pathologic Physiology of KSMU Arinova S.M. conducted a monthly career guidance meeting on admission to Karaganda State Medical University with the pupils of 11th grade of Secondary General School No. 15 of Karaganda.
Bright Holiday - Nauryz
04 April 2017
Nauryz is a great and significant holiday of our people, which carries the ancient traditions and takes its origin in the mists of time, consequently has remained until today.
Best Student of Faculty
04 April 2017
At the Faculty of Preventive Medicine, Biology and Pharmacy for the first time was conducted a contest for the title of “The Best Student of the Faculty”.
Academic mobility of graduate students of KSMU to the Graduate School of Management in Barcelona
04 April 2017
From 14th of November 2016 to 14th March 2017 graduate students of KSMU Sheryazdanova Dinara and Meermanova Inesh attended the Graduate School of Management in Barcelona within the framework of academic mobility of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Silver Medal of Cup of Friendship
04 April 2017
On 19 Marchat “Dinamo” Sports Complex in Astana ended the games of the I Republican Mini-Football Tournament titled “Dostyk kubogi” (“Cup of Friendship”) among the teams of ethnocultural associations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The tournament was dedicated to the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Uzbek Ethnocultural Center in Astana and the 20th anniversary of Astana Day.
Together We Defeat Tuberculosis
04 April 2017
On 17 March at the Dormitory No. 1, the Youth Work Department together with the “INSIGHT” Debate club conducted an intellectual game titled “This House stops spread of tuberculosis among population”
Solemn Event Dedicated to Nauryz Holiday
03 April 2017
In Kazakhstan, spring restricts winter and appeares in full forceon 21 March,thuson this special day is celebrated the bright holidayNauryz, signifying not only the spring equinox, but also the renewal of nature. Nauryz in Kazakhstan symbolizes fertility, friendship and love.
Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual Problems of Infectious Pathology”
31 March 2017
On 1-3 March 2017 in St. Petersburg was held the Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual Problems of Infectious Pathology”.
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