Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Olympiad in surgery among KSMU students
16 February 2017
With the support of the Surgical Association of Karaganda Region, under the guidance of the Head of the Department of Surgical Diseases No. 2, Professor Turgunov E.M., from November 2016 to February 2017 was conducted an Olympiad in surgery for medical students of 3-6 courses of Karaganda State Medical University.
Concert at Military Unit
16 February 2017
On 6 February, the Youth Work Department together with the creative groups of KSMU held a concert at the military unit No. 36352 in Spassk. The festive concert for the servicemen was dedicated to the demobilization of conscripts.
Online seminar Research-based learning
16 February 2017
On February 14, 2017, the Center for Transfer of Innovative Technologies of Karaganda State Medical University organized online seminar on the implementation of Research-based learning. Moderator of the seminar was Dr. Ella Polton from St. George University (UK).
16 February 2017
On 6 February 2017,in order to discuss the constitutional reforms and consider the main provisions of the address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev titled “The third modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness”
Trip of “Samruk” SR
15 February 2017
Hello, everyone! On 4 February, we, the activists of the Ministry of Culture of “Samruk” SR, visited the House of Friendship, where we were acquainted with the culture, lifestyle and traditions of ethnic and cultural associations of Lithuania, Romania, Germany and Armenia. Each country presented the beauty and diversity of its culture to us.
Good Tradition
15 February 2017
Veteran... This word came to us from deep antiquity. The dignity of veteran was conferred on the old soldiers and respected citizens of society. As centuries passed, the word “veteran” did not fade, did not lose its value at present.
Kindness will save the world
14 February 2017
In honor of the International Day of Dentist celebrated on 9 February 2017, the mentor of the Department of Pediatric and Surgical Dentistry Aymukhanbetov B.B. and the interns of the Internship Faculty of Karaganda State Medical University organized a holiday for the wards of “Botakoz” Orphanage of Karaganda.
Research – based learning (RBL) - introduction clinical diagnostic and treatment protocols of mental and behavioral disorders.
13 February 2017
01 February 2017 at the Department of Psychiatry and narcology of Karaganda State Medical University by 7-year students of the Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry were defended science projects with the use of the principle of research-based learning (RBL).
Sport – Guarantee of Health
07 February 2017
Every year takes place the Spartakiad for the academic and teaching staff, employees of the University. This year in the competition took part nearly all staff members of the Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry, including the Dean of the faculty, vice-deans, inspectors and heads of departments, teachers, doctoral students, residency students and technicians.
City subject olympiad “ksmu-2017 “competitive specialists for competitive country”
06 February 2017
On 26 January 2017 took place the III City Subject Olympiad in biology and chemistry among the learners of the municipal schools of Karaganda. The school subject Olympiad was timed to the XXVIII World Winter Universiade-2017
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