Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Sport – Guarantee of Health

Sport – Guarantee of Health

07 February 2017

Every year takes place the Spartakiad for the academic and teaching staff, employees of the University. This year in the competition took part nearly all staff members of the Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry, including the Dean of the faculty, vice-deans, inspectors and heads of departments, teachers, doctoral students, residency students and technicians.

The main goal was not just participating, but improving health, having a good time and raising spirits. They say that victory is always important; therefore, the teams competed intensively. Out of 73 applicants, only 26 were admitted to the competition. Especially worthy of a mention are Nauryzov Nurlan Nygmetuly, Srymbetov Murat Sapargaliuly and Karibzhanova Roza Toketaykyzy for their annual active participation and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

The team of the Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry has won the team gold. We express deep gratitude to the Captain of our team Tusbaev Marat Galymuly for his support and guidance. Tusbaev Marat Galymuly is a competent teacher, excellent dentist and highly skilled sports professional leader.

For great contribution to achievement of victory, special appreciation is expressed to the teachers of departments of our faculty, in particular Kotov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich, Kamyshanskiy Evgeniy Konstantinovich, Zolotareva Oksana Anatolievna, Mkhitaryan Ksenia Eduardovna, Aubakirov Sailau Ergaliuly.

Special thanks deserve the employees of the faculty, namely Toleubekov Kuatbek Kuanyshbekuly and Doskhozhin Dulat Mukazhanuly, Kultenova Makhabbat Tolegenkyzy and Dinesh Kumar, Abdogalieva Farida Oralkhankyzy and Abeuova Laila Kuntugankyzy for participation and considerable contribution to the shared victory.

Our President N.A. Nazarbaev said, “Healthy nation is healthy generation”. We are proud of our young people, who participated in the competition and achieved great results. Young specialists Telembetov Nurbek Temirbekuly, Zhuravlev Sergei Nikolaevich, Aspandiarov Bayanbek Erbolatuly, Aldabekova Almagul Amangeldykyzy, Kilishbaeva Meruert Orazalikyzy, Zhumekin Nurbol Esimkhanuly, Bashar Symbat Akzharkynkyzy, Zulkarnaeva Elena Faridovna, Baibulanova Aiman Asylmuratkyzy, Kharin Azamat Duisenbekuly, Khabdolda Bolat Khabdoldauly, Aubakirova Zarbina Zhanzhumankyzy, Aydarbekova Assel Saylaubekkyzy, Orazova Bakhyt Orazkyzy set an example for the students by their achievements.

We thank all employees for active involvement in the Spartakiad and give congratulations to the winners. We wish everyone new accomplishments in all spheres of life, including sport.

Dean’s Office of Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry



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