Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Good Tradition

Good Tradition

15 February 2017

Veteran... This word came to us from deep antiquity. The dignity of veteran was conferred on the old soldiers and respected citizens of society. As centuries passed, the word “veteran” did not fade, did not lose its value at present.

The Council of Veterans has functioned in our university for several years. And every year traditionally our University veterans meet with the students, share their experiences, wisdom and memories.

Therefore, on 7 February at the Dormitory No. 6 took place a meeting of the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of KSMU Sartabayev Sembek Abdrakhmanovich with the students of junior courses. The meeting was also attended by the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry Baimenova Aiman Serikbayevna and a specialist of the Youth Work Department Lukyanov Dmitry Yurievich.

The meeting was held in a very warm and friendly atmosphere. The veteran told about the period of formation of KSMU, about the life of students of different generations, recalled the memorable milestones in the history of development of sports and amateur art activities in the University.

At the end of the meeting, the students expressed their gratitude to the veteran and took a memorable photo.

CSSG of Dormitory No. 6

Dean's Office of Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry



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