Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Online seminar Research-based learning

Online seminar Research-based learning

16 February 2017

On February 14, 2017, the Center for Transfer of Innovative Technologies of Karaganda State Medical University organized online seminar on the implementation of Research-based learning. Moderator of the seminar was Dr. Ella Polton from St. George University (UK). Representatives of the administration and Heads of the departments attended the seminar. During the meeting were discussed the basic principles, content, structure and methods of research-based project and a phased implementation plan for the project RBL to the educational plan of KSMU in the form of implementation of projects by students. For further realization and implementation of the project, the Centre for Transfer of Innovative Technologies plans to conduct training for teachers of KSMU. 



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