Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Intellectual marathon «21st century erudite boys and girls»
12 April 2018
On April 5, 2018 in Gogol str., 40 (329 classroom) there was held an intellectual marathon «21st century erudite boys and girls» by the teacher of Mathematics of the Nurse Training Department K.N.Zhumakaeva where the first-year students demonstrated their knowledge.
Academic mobility in the medical institute of the city of Bukhara
12 April 2018
. I accepted an invitation with great satisfaction to visit the Department of Biology and Medical Genetics of the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino from 14.03 to 3.04 2018. The history of the Institute dates back to October 1990, now it is headed by Dr. PhD Amrillo Shodievich Inayatov, who has big plans to expand and modernize the institute.
Chess competition
12 April 2018
From 4th to 6th of April, 2018 in Astana, Eurasian National University named after N.L.Gumilev, there was held Republican chess tournament among students for the multiple world champion cup of the international Grandmaster Dinara Saduakasova. Competitions were held on the Swiss system.
Academic mobility in the South Kazahstan Medical Academy of Shymkent.
12 April 2018
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Epidemiology and Occupational Health N.O. Alysheva visited the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology of SKMA within the framework of academic mobility program of faculty members between the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy (SKMA) and Karaganda State Medical University (KSMU) from 26.03.2018 to 06.04.2018. Head of the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology of SKMA is MD, Acting Professor B.Z. Doltaeva.
The first student scientific conference at the Department of Internal Diseases Nо 2.
12 April 2018
At the Department of Internal Diseases Nо 2 of Karaganda State Medical University on April 6, 2018 the 1 student scientific conference took place. There was a deputy dean of the Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry for educational work Ruslan Khadimatovich Ergeshov and coordinator of the RBL implementation project in the educational process Bibigul Bogdatovna Rakhimova.
Inter-House English Olympiad
10 April 2018
On the 6h of April the final stage of the English Olympiad was held among the 1-year students of the faculties “General medicine” and “Biology” at the Foreign Languages Department.
Academic mobilityto Vitebsk
10 April 2018
As a part of academic mobility the head of the Pediatrics and Perinatology Department Prof. B.A. Abeuova and the head of the Pediatric Dentistry and Surgical Dentistry Department S.T. Tuleutaeva visited Vitebsk State Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University from 19.03.2018 to 30.03.2018. The Republic of Belarus has a rich history and mostly associates with the Great Patriotic War with Belovezhskaya Pushcha.
Miss and Mister KSMU 2018
10 April 2018
On April 7, the final of the contest "Miss and Mister KSMU 2018" took place in the regional drama theater named after K.S. Stanislavsky. This year, more than 50 students of the university took part in the qualifying stage, but only the top 14 could reach the final. "It is very pleasant to see that our students are talented not only in medicine, but also in creativity", - so welcomed participants and guests of the event Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodical Work V.P. Ricklefs.
Academic mobility in the Ryazan State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlov
09 April 2018
We, 2nd year resident-endocrinologists: Galiya Zhanaevna Serikova, Aruzat Alikharkyzy Zhanseitova, Elena Nikolaevna Evgrafova studied under the program of academic mobility in RyazSMU. This was the first case of exchange under the postgraduate education program within the framework of a contract between two HEIs.
Festival of Health - 2018"
09 April 2018
The Department of Physical Education and sports sectors of student self-government hostels of the University organized students for the "Festival of Health - 2018".
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