Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The first student scientific conference at the Department of Internal Diseases Nо 2.

The first student scientific conference at the Department of Internal Diseases Nо 2.

12 April 2018

           At the Department of Internal Diseases Nо 2 of Karaganda State Medical University on April 6, 2018 the 1 student scientific conference took place.

  There was a deputy dean of the Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry for educational work Ruslan Khadimatovich Ergeshov and coordinator of the RBL implementation project in the educational process Bibigul Bogdatovna Rakhimova.

  Individual and collective scientific works were introduced  implemented at the department by interns of 6 and 7 courses.

  Form of participation - oral report and E - poster.

  11 oral reports were heard, including 2 in Kazakh, 2 in Russian and 1 in English. 54 works was in the form of an E-poster.

  The reports were devoted to diagnostics and adherence to the therapy of patients with diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, liver cirrhosis and systemic lupus erythematosus, and the effect of extragenital pathology on the course of pregnancy.

  The first place was awarded to A.A. Kaisina intern of 7-060 gr. and N.M.Samoylova intern of 7047 gr. for the report on the topic: “Assessment of the variability of glycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus receiving different schemes of hypoglycemic therapy”. Scientific adviser: Doctoral candidate D.N. Sheryazdanova.

  The second place was awarded to A.K.Kabieva intern of 7061 gr., for the report "The relationship between the leptin level and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus in women of fertile age". Scientific adviser, Ph.D., associate professor, head of the Department Internal Diseases No2 E.M. Laryushina.

  The third place was awarded to N.Kalimjan intern of 6057g. for the report on the topic: "Features of the course of osteoarthritis in patients with metabolic syndrome". Supervisor: Assistant of the Department of Internal Diseases No2 G.G. Ospanova.

  Among the E-poster 1 place was occupied by Anar Amantaevna Idrisova, Julia Viktorovna Makhlayeva, Aisulu Erbulatovna Talaspaeva, Aygerim Kairbaevna Tashimova, interns 6059 gr, Khaygerim Tal'atyzy Omar, intern 6025gr, Perizat Amangeldievna Karimova, resident - gastroenterologist of the 1st year of study, “Predictors of efficiency of ursodezoxycholik acid in primary biliary cholangitis”.

  The 2 place - Bayan Bolatovna Komarzin, 6047 gr. “Conducting differential diagnostics of bronchial asthma and COPD by examining the total cell count”.

  The 3 place - Kuanysh Elubaevich Kapesov, Askar Rafaelevich Akshalov, of the 6065 gr. “Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract in students of KSMU”.



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