Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Miss and Mister KSMU 2018

Miss and Mister KSMU 2018

10 April 2018

On April 7, the final of the contest "Miss and Mister KSMU 2018" took place in the regional drama theater named after K.S. Stanislavsky.

 This year, more than 50 students of the university took part in the qualifying stage, but only the top 14 could reach the final. "It is very pleasant to see that our students are talented not only in medicine, but also in creativity", - so welcomed participants and guests of the event Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodical Work V.P. Ricklefs.

"Mister and Miss" is not just a fight for the title, participants with a support group give the people around a lot of positive, smiling and excellent mood. All this, thanks to the joint activities of the organizers and participants, creates a friendly and creative atmosphere. "Undoubtedly, this contest supports the importance of friendship, fair play and good relations to each other in the student environment, even in the situation of competition," says Azima Skendirova, the head of the Master of Ceremonies circle.

The most responsible and hard work fell on the shoulders of the jury, consisting of: Miss Karaganda 2015, Vice-Miss Kazakhstan 2015 Renata Nurgazina, famous photographer Dmitry Yusupov, head of the barber shop and tattoo studio OLDBOY Almas Tuyakhanov, the owner  of the evening dresses salon "Dana dress ROOM" Dana Zhekenova  and representative of the sports club "Kuvalda", professional photographer Konstantin Pavlenko.

The final of the contest consisted of 4 stages: "Welcome", "Question-answer", "Creative number" and "Evening defile". It is noteable that the "Question-Answer" stage was dedicated to the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Astana - the contestants answered the questions related to the history of our young capital.

"This is truly a grandiose show. Our students are good fellows. In addition to the workload that they experience in class, everyone finds time to realize their creative abilities. Such activities are certainly necessary" said Viva Hendrikson,  provost of KSMU.

The headliners of the show were the beginning band "Khan taniri" of the creative center "W" and the famous group "Haidak".

Passions were boiling both on the stage and in the jury's  room. Opinions were divided, because each of the contestants deserved a high rank. After long discussions, the title "Miss KSMU 2018" and a certificate for 50 000 tenge were awarded to the 1st year student of the Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry Gulbanu Tuleubaev. 2nd year student of the Faculty of Training of paramedical Workers Elaman Duisenbaev became "Mr. KSMU 2018" and owner of a certificate for 50 000 tenge.

"Vice-Miss KSMU-2018" became a second-year student of the Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry Aizada Siraziden and "Vice-Mister of KSMU 2018" 2nd year student of the International Medical Faculty Sharma Viswyjt.

  "It's great to be a member of the jury at this landmark event. I am happy to announce that winner of the “Miss KSMU” contest automatically becomes a finalist of the “Miss Karaganda” contest" said PR -manager of the international model agency ArtLine Renata Nurghazina.

  Each of the participants won this day. All participants were awarded with special gifts and certificates from partners and sponsors of the competition.

  The Youth Affairs Department.



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