Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


The interdisciplinary interprofessional student conference
03 May 2017
The interdisciplinary interprofessional student conference "Legislation in the field of medicine: language and style of legislative texts" was held at the Russian language department. It was attended by the 2nd - year students of the General Medicine and Dentistry faculty and the cadets of Karaganda Law Academy named after B. Beisenov. The conference was held as a part of the theme "Official and Business Style" in the subject "Professional Russian Language".
III Republican Student Subject Olympiad in “Pharmacy” specialty
03 May 2017
On 13-14 April 2017 at Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov was held the III Republican Student Subject Olympiad in specialties “Pharmacy” and “Technology of Pharmaceutical Production”. In “Pharmacy” specialty section took part 5-001 group of “Pharmacy” specialty of KSMU.
Visit to South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy within academic mobility program
02 May 2017
13.04-26.04.2017 in the framework of the academic mobility program, Assistant Professor of Department of Food Hygiene, General Hygiene and Ecology Amreeva Kymbat Eraliyevna visited South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy.
First Recognition
28 April 2017
On 12 April 2017 at our University was held the International Conference of Young Scientists and Students “World of science and youth: tendencies and new horizons”. We have participated in such an interesting event for the first time. At this conference, I together with Ayaganov Samat represented the Department of Internal Diseases No. 1.
Beginners in science
28 April 2017
On 12 April 2017 at KSMU was held the International Conference “World of science and youth: tendencies and new horizons”. An active part in the conference took the students of 3003 group: Aknazarova Zhadyra, Isatai Saniya, Syzdykova Ayaulym; students of 3002 group: Rakymzhan Nurzhanat, Mamarakhym Arailym;
About spiritual heritage and experience of the Alash intellectuals
27 April 2017
On 22April 2017, the Department of History of Kazakhstan and social-political disciplines organized and conducteda III round table, devoted to the 100anniversary ofthe Alash revolt, on thetopic “Social and economic, cultural and educational views of the Kazakh national intellectuals at the beginning of the 20th century”, online between Karaganda State Medical University and Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov.
27 April 2017
The dean’s office of the Faculty of Preventive Medicine, Biology and Pharmacy congratulates the 3-year students of “Medical preventive care” specialty, Seytkamal Azamat Nurlanuly and Beisenkul Ayaulym Bagdatkyzy
Debate Tournament for the Cup of Rector of KSMU
27 April 2017
On 15-16 April at KSMU was conducted the Republican Debate Tournament “Daryndylar kosh bastaidy” by the Youth Work Department together with “INSIGHT” and “Namys” debate clubs.
Histology and us: first steps in science
27 April 2017
On 14 April 2017 at Karaganda State Medical University was held the International Conference of Young Scientists and Students “Science world and youth: tendencies and new horizons”. This date was not chosen accidentally: 12 April in Kazakhstan is celebrated as the Day of Scientists, and this day is also known for the first manned space flight.
Visit of South Korea
26 April 2017
On 25 April 2016, Karaganda State Medical University was visited by the representatives from South Korea, namely Choi Zhong Hee, Director of Institute of Development of Healthcare Industry of the Republic of Korea in the CIS countries, Oh Dzhong Hee, Director of Institute of Development of Healthcare Industry, Kim Su Wong
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