Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
First Recognition

First Recognition

28 April 2017

“Only science changes the world. Science in a broad sense:

and how to split the atom, and how to educate people. And adults too”

N.M. Amosov

On 12 April 2017 at our University was held the International Conference of Young Scientists and Students “World of science and youth: tendencies and new horizons”. We have participated in such an interesting event for the first time. At this conference, I together with Ayaganov Samat represented the Department of Internal Diseases No. 1. I made an oral presentation on the topic “Case of combined course of chronic lymphocytic leukemia with immune thrombocytopenia”; Ayaganov Samat made a report “Analysis of outcomes of pregnancy on the background of arterial hypertension and chronic pyelonephritis with recurrent course”.

Me and Samat Ayaganov were inspired to participate in this conference due to the defense of research projects using RBL at the Department of Internal Diseases No. 1. It is the working in the team and in the archive, searching for the material made us do science.

I chose such an interesting field as hematology for my work. I got interested in hematology during the course of internal medicine. This is a very important and broad field science. A clinical case presented by me at the scientific-practical conference, is quite rare in clinical practice, and was interesting because it demonstrated the refractory of autoimmune cytopenia to first-line therapy: corticosteroids, and, despite the progress in the treatment of secondary thrombocytopenia of autoimmune origin in the world, the achieved knowledge were not applicable to the treatment of this patient. Samat plunged into the study of, in my opinion, one of the topical themes of our time: extragenital diseases in pregnant women. In fact, this pathology is among the main causes of maternal mortality, constituting 32.1% in our country.

I received a diploma for the best report in the section “Clinical medicine (therapeutic direction)” and Samat was awarded the diploma for presentation in the section “E-poster”.

This recognition would not have happened without the guidance of the supervisor, mentor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, respected Zhusupova Ayman Maksutovna. As Isaac Newton once said: “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” For many years of professional activity AymanMaksutovna has been a highly qualified specialist, so only she can work so accurately with students, put her soul into them, and to demand a qualitative result. So our recognition at this conference proves it. It is Zhusupova Ayman Maksutovna, who helped to reveal our potential, taught to constantly search for information and said that our opportunities were limitless! I would like to express special thanks to the archivist of the Regional Hospital of Karaganda Rakhmetova Anar for responsiveness and professionalism in her activity.

Now I understand the meaning of the words of Buast: “Limits of science are like the horizon: the closer we approach it, the further it moves away”. Science is worth doing, because it is our present and future.

Kseniya Ostakhova, 4083 group, Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry.



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