Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


English – underagrant
14 May 2019
The Karaganda Medical University has won the competition of the Shakhmardan Yessenov Science and Education foundation for learning English from native speakers during two years.
Obstetrics and gynecology in General medical practice
14 May 2019
Within the framework of academic mobility, teaching staff assistant Professor of the of the Department of obstetrics, gynecology and Perinatology, "Medical University of Karaganda» NC JSC Zhanabaeva Symbat Umirzakovna was at the Department of obstetrics and gynecology of South Kazakhstan Medical Academy JSC (SKMA JSC) from 15 to 26 April 2019.
Victory Day Concert
13 May 2019
On May 8, the festive concert dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the Great Victory was held in the assembly hall of the Medical University of Karaganda. The concert was prepared by the Youth Affairs Department with the creative teams of the university.
Visiting veterans at home
08 May 2019
May 8, 2019 on the eve of Victory Day celebrations, instructors of the center of practical skills, along with students of the 3rd course of general medicine, visited the veterans of the Great Patriotic War –Tiyshbek Muksima, born in 1936, Tatyana Pastukhova, 1927,
The athletic cross.
08 May 2019
A large number of athletes, represent ing secondary schools, colleges, universities, working groups, gathered near the Friendship House on May 4. The reason was the traditional athletics relay for the prize of the newspaper "Industrial Karaganda".
Tirelessly teaches mastery
08 May 2019
May 10 Maida Tussupbekova, professor at the Department of Pathology of Karaganda Medical University, celebrates her 70th birthday!
On the agenda - infectious diseases in doctor’s practice.
06 May 2019
April 19 in the walls of the KMU in the meeting room of the Academic Council chaired by the Vice-Rector for Clinical Work and the NPW, Ph.D. Professor B.N. Kosherova and Academician of RAN, Ph.D. Professor R.H. Begaydarova was held Republican scientific and practical conference "Infectious diseases in the practice of a doctor." This conference was devoted to the most common infections in our Republic.
Innovations - in the educational process
06 May 2019
03.05.2019 The Center for the Transfer of Educational Technologies held a round table: “Implementation of PBL, TBL, D-PBL teaching methods in the educational process of Karaganda Medical University: current state, problems and prospects for further development.
Quest game - "Anatomy experts"
06 May 2019
On April 30 at the Department of Morphology and Physiology in the framework of the student scientific circle of the block of anatomy an intellectual quest, a game called "anatomy experts" among the students of the first year of "General Medicine" specialty was held.
International Competition
04 May 2019
From 25 to 27 April, students of “KMU” NCJSC participated in the international olympiad and conference in Moscow. «X International Scientific Conference #SCIENCE4HEALTH2019» took place on the basis of Medical Institute of Peoples Friendship University (RUDN University).
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