Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Quest game - "Anatomy experts"

Quest game - "Anatomy experts"

06 May 2019

On April 30 at the Department of Morphology and Physiology in the framework of the student scientific circle of the block of anatomy an intellectual quest,  a game called "anatomy experts" among the students of the first year of "General Medicine" specialty was held. The purpose of the competition was the development of logical thinking, the ability to find extraordinary solutions to the questions, the bringing up of the sense of collectivism, repetition, generalization of knowledge before the exam. Five teams participated: "Greenhouse plants", "Densaulyk", "Mortis", "Mind" and "Netter".

The Quest game consisted of 3 parts. The first part - "Anatomical quest" teams were looking for solutions to questions belonging to all  systems of the human body by searching for answers on anatomical models at various stations. Each answer was encrypted under a certain QR-code.

The second part  - "Blitz tournament of captains", here captains of teams with the help of the Kahoot program were offered 20 questions on all sections of anatomy.

The third part  - "We are as a single system", the teams had to creatively simulate the cardiovascular system from the proposed materials, and to explain the structure and operation of this system.

The Teams have adequately coped with all tasks with elignity, having shown high intellectual potential, team spirit and solidarity. Following the results of all game, having gained the maximum quantity of points, the "Mind" team became the winner, the honourable second place went to the "Densaulyk" team and the third place "Mortis" team.  We thank all participants of the competition, as well as the members of the student scientific circle of the department for participation in the organization and holding of this event.

Department of Morphology and Physiology

block of anatomy



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