Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Victory Day Concert

Victory Day Concert

13 May 2019

On May 8, the festive concert dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the Great Victory was held in the assembly hall of the Medical University of Karaganda. The concert was prepared by the Youth Affairs Department  with the creative teams of the university.

The participants of the choral group under the direction of T.D.Povernikova opened a festive event, performing a potpourri for the songs of the war years.

The audience warmly welcomed the musical performance of V.A.Burmistrova, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, who performed “Mother's Arioso” from  A.Novikov's cantata “We need peace”.

The participants of the Theater of dance “Golden step” and the folk ensemble of oriental dances “Karakoz” pleased the audience with dance compositions on the theme of the war. Also in the concert program were the performances of the participants of the authors' poetic club «Жыр Жауһар» with the poetic melodiamation «Мергенқыз», vocalists A. Tuleev with the song "Как молоды мы были", Dana Eralieva "Алия", Maidanova Nurken "Идет солдат по городу" and also groups of vocalists with the compositions “Сарбаздар” and “Выйду в поле с конем”.

A powerful final chord of the festive concert was the performance of the song “Victory Day” by all participants of the creative evening, during which participants of the civil-patriotic action “Immortal Regiment” brought to the scene portraits of workers of our university - participants of World War II.

  The Youth Affairs Department



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