Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Innovations - in the educational process

Innovations - in the educational process

06 May 2019

03.05.2019 The Center for the Transfer of Educational Technologies held a round table: “Implementation of PBL, TBL, D-PBL teaching methods in the educational process of Karaganda Medical University: current state, problems and prospects for further development.”The discussion of issues related to the introduction of problem-based and team-based learning in the "Medical University of Karaganda" participated tutors, teachers, department heads, director of the Department of Academic Work A. Tashetova S. B., Director of the Center for Practical Skills G. Kemelova, Deputy Director of the Center for Practical Skills D. Aimbetova, Dean of the School of Medicine Zhanasova M.M., Vice-Rector for Academic Work Ricklefs V, as well as students the 3rd  and 5th  courses of General Medicine.  Presentations were made by an associate professor of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Evidence-Based Medicine Kim T, tutor of the Department of Pathology Suleimenova B. Assistant Professor of the Department of Morphology and Physiology Batyaeva E.

Roundtable participants noted:

Ø  positive trends in the development of problem-based learning, team-based learning method, the introduction of problem-based learning with decision-making skills, based on a clinical case with a medical error using virtual patients;

Ø  establishment of a new faculty staff position – tutor

the roundtable participants had the opportunity to speak, ask questions, share their experiences and observations on issues of concern to them.



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