Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


The 67th congress of the world federation of hydrotherapy and climatotherapy (femtec)
08 October 2014
On September 25-26th there was the 67th Congress of the General Assembly of the World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy FEMTEC in Astana. FEMTEC is the oldest resort federation which united scientists and practitioners around the world. 3 years ago Kazakhstan became a FEMTEC member and in 2014 received the right to hold the forum on a competitive basis, which means serious advancement in resort business and medical tourism in our country.
Workshop for paramedics in Clinical Skills Center “Principles of premedical emergency care”
08 October 2014
The Clinical Skills Center hosted the workshop for paramedics of MIA medical service on September 15-17, 2014. The aim of this workshop was to train the participants to provide the emergency premedical care using the predefined set of skills and algorithms. The participants practiced using clinical scenarios in high fidelity simulator SimMan 3G, interactive child-birthing simulator and other multifunctional simulators.
Silver of the "Gold autumn".
08 October 2014
The traditional Autumn track-and-field athletics cross race among the teams of universities, colleges, professional lyceums and productive collectives took place in the municipal park on September, 28, 2014.
Topical conversation
07 October 2014
On the 26th September 2014 to implement the proposals of N. A. Nazarbaev, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan made ​​at the twenty-first session of the Assembly of Kazakhstan Nations about the further promotion of the Kazakh tolerance and harmony model, the round-table meeting was held in our university upon the theme "The language role in interethnic concord creation".
07 October 2014
The students of KSMU approve themselves not only with academic success, but also show their good knowledge in poetry as exemplified by the poetry readings held on September 25 at the Regional Juvenile Library of Zh.Bekturov.
We meet the autumn very fervently!!!
07 October 2014
On the 27 of September, 2014 in respect of the Language Day of Kazakhstani People celebration the Humor Day was held in the hostel No. 1. Our students celebrated this holiday with the favorite outstanding game KVN. Despite the cold, rainy and cloudy weather it was very warm, light and fun in the hall!!! Nobody was indifferent because of the positive charge of energy which came from each player on the scene!
«Lan’» collection presentation
03 October 2014
On September, 18th 2014, the presentation of publishing collection «Lan’» (St. Petersburg) was held in the hall of the library electronic resources. The director of publishing house A. Nikiforov provided presentation.
Medical «Juventus»
03 October 2014
On 20th of September indoor soccer competition among 6- and 7– year students took place. General practitioner-2 team (6-year students, the department based on Kazakh language studying), general practitioner-1 (7-year students), therapists (6-year students, the department based on Kazakh language studying), surgical pathology-1 (6 and 7-year students), surgical pathology-2 (6 and 7-year students) participated in abovementioned competition.
Road-train “in a white gown”
03 October 2014
Health of Kazakhstan people is an accurate indicator and true guarantee of the country’s prosperity. It is one of the main aspects of understanding of the state social policy which was marked by the President N. Nazarbayev in his Address to the nation of Kazakhstan.
Dear colleagues!
01 October 2014
Karaganda State Medical University invites you to participate in the international scientific & practical conference «Innovative technologies in oncohematology», which will be held on the 2-3 of October,2014.
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