Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The 67th congress of the world federation of hydrotherapy and climatotherapy (femtec)

The 67th congress of the world federation of hydrotherapy and climatotherapy (femtec)

08 October 2014

On September 25-26th there was the 67th Congress of the General Assembly of the World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy FEMTEC in Astana. FEMTEC is the oldest resort federation which united scientists and practitioners around the world. 3 years ago Kazakhstan became a FEMTEC member and in 2014 received the right to hold the forum on a competitive basis, which means serious advancement in resort business and medical tourism in our country.

KSMU representatives in Congress were the head of the CPDF Medical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Department , MD, professor Sheveleva N.I., PhD-student Minbaeva L.S. and resident-student Dubovikhin A.A.

Professor Sheveleva N.I. was invited by the organizators of the Congress to be one of the chairmen of the session "International experience of resort treatment and physical rehabilitation."

More than 250 members of Congress - the managers of resorts around the world, scientists and experts in rehabilitation medicine and resortology, as well as the guests of honor - the ambassadors of Italy, Cuba, Hungary, China, Japan, the deputies of the Majilis of the Republic of Kazakhstan  Parliament were welcomed by the Deputy Prime Minister Gulshara Abdykalikova.

“One of the strategic objectives of the Government is to increase the life expectancy of Kazakhstan citizens up to 80 years and more” - said vice-premier.- Preventive measures are important for this purpose. They are the healthy lifestyle, exercises and proper nutrition. Development of resorts and rehabilitation medicine, its availability and efficiency is an important component of the citizens health restoring. In Kazakhstan Development Strategy up to year 2050 the President indicated that Kazakhstan will become one of the leading centers of Eurasian medical tourism. I am sure that the Congress will bring our country this goal achievement.

The number of resorts and rehabilitation organizations were increased in the country last years. 35 rehabilitation centers provide services to the population.

The country has modern medical facilities which meet international standards. Within the framework of the government program "Salamaty Kazakhstan" the standard of medical rehabilitation services for the population were developed and the "road map" to improve children's neurological services for the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy were approved. The Government approved the Concept of the tourism industry development, calculated up to year 2020, where the education and training of specialists in the field of medical services were emphasired.

Kazakhstan has all the resources, both natural and human to occupy a worthy place in the field of Rehabilitation and resort business.

As a result of the Congress a constructive dialogue between rehabilitologists of Kazakhstan and representatives of the participating countries of the World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy FEMTEC, exchange of ideas, familiarization with international experience took place. Employees of the department expanded the boundaries of the foreign partnership and the possibilities of academic mobility on residency program in Italy, Germany and Cuba were discussed.



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