Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


07 October 2014

 The students of KSMU approve themselves not only with academic success, but also show their good knowledge in poetry as exemplified by the poetry readings held on September 25 at the Regional Juvenile Library of Zh.Bekturov. This year the VIII annual readings of Abay works were held under the motto "Абай-дара, Абай  данақазақта!" (Abay is unique, Abay is inimitable). The purpose of this event is to popularize the works of the great Kazakh poet Abay Kunanbaev among the young people and to inculcate the moral lessons in the young generation. Karaganda State Medical University was represented by the members of the student author's club " Жыржауһар " which unites the lovers of poetry.

In 2014, the student of the 2-019 group Ainur Zhumabekkyzy and the student of 1-028 group Azamat Abdirov became the laureates of the VIII annual poetry readings. Both of them were awarded the grateful letter.

  The Department of Educational and Social Work with Students



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