Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Silver of the "Gold autumn".

Silver of the "Gold autumn".

08 October 2014

The traditional Autumn track-and-field athletics cross race among the teams of universities, colleges, professional lyceums and productive collectives took place in the municipal park on September, 28, 2014. The sport event was organized  by the Authority of physical culture and sport of Karaganda region, within the framework of 80 year anniversary of Karaganda celebration.

  The program of competitions:1000 m. race (men) and 500 m. race (women). Higher educational establishments were presented by the teams of 6 universities. Totally about 300 sportsmen toed the starting line on that day.

  All participants emphasized the excellent preparation of route, the right choice of distances and good organization of health service during competitions.

KSMU team came in a good2nd place.In the hard struggle they passed forward the athletes from КSU.

  We wish our sportsmen the further successes, and also more often delight fans with their victories.

Senior lecturer of the department of Physical Education D.Mukushev.



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