Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Road-train “in a white gown”

Road-train “in a white gown”

03 October 2014

Health of Kazakhstan people is an accurate indicator and true guarantee of the country’s prosperity. It is one of the main aspects of understanding of the state social policy which was marked by the President N. Nazarbayev in his Address to the nation of Kazakhstan. That is why the state pays particular attention to the quality and accessibility of the medical service including for the villagers and especially for the people from the depth of the country. Having taken into account that more than 40% of the population live in the rural areas, the question of the accessibility of the medical service for the rural people is of great importance. To be examined by the experienced doctors and to begin treatment without leaving for the district and region healthcare facilities are the support for the rural people which “arrives” in the special mobile medical complexes “Polyclinic on wheels”. There are 4 of them in Karaganda region. This new social project has been already appreciated by the rural people.

“Polyclinic on wheels” is a mobile medical complex as a road-train driven by KAMAZ the length of which is 20 meters. It consists of 2 polyclinic modules equipped with X-ray, dental and ultrasound rooms, the laboratory for chemical and hematological tests, cabinets of highly specialized doctors with the most modern equipment. 

This road-train “in a white gown” with the brigade of medical professionals from KSMU visited auls of Osakarovka, Nurinsk, Bukhar-Zhyrau districts of Karaganda region for 3 summers.

From the early morning the villagers hurry to the unusual large machine with a bright logo of the National Healthcare Development Program "Salamatty Kazakstan". Candidates of Medical Science, Doctors of Medical Science, associated professors, heads of the departments, assistants of the departments of our university work here. Therapist, cardiologist, pediatrician, phtisiologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, surgeon, neurologist, radiologist, laboratory doctor receive patients.

All the villagers always look forward to the doctors from KSMU. Because they are able to be examined and get recommendations on treatment by the highly qualified specialists, without leaving a village. Many of the villagers had not been visiting doctors for several or more years, because it is necessary for them to go to the clinics or CDH of Karaganda and Astana. And it is a serious problem to leave rural areas for a city...

Cardiologist, Candidate of Medical Science, associated professor Kuatbek Toleubekov and therapist, Candidate of Medical Science, associated professor Serik Shuakhbayev brought me a villager who abruptly repeated, “Zhok, zhok" (“No, no” in Kazakh).

- It needs to examine with ultrasound the thyroid gland and kidneys… but the patient refused absolutely.

It turned out that Serikbay, 60-year-old resident of a small aul, where there is not any first-aid room and the nearest aul where the nurse lives is 40 km away from here, has never visited any doctor except a dentist. To all my for in favor of the ultrasound examination the man confessed embarrassedly that he did not know what it was and did not know how to behave during the procedure, was shy and therefore refused. 

We went for ultrasound examination together. As a result consultations of other doctors were required. The detected pathology requires serious treatment, so Serikbay received direction to the CDH of Nurinsk region with further treatment in the city hospital.

Range of contemporary professional capabilities in the mobile medical complex allows to conduct fully screening examination of the planned population’s age groups and to detect in time diseases of the circulatory system, diabetes, glaucoma, precancerous conditions of the breast, neck of uterus, pathology of the large intestine, neoplasms of the rectum, to carry out prophylactic medical examination of children and adults with chronic diseases, to provide additional diagnostic aid.

- This is medicine available for every citizen of Kazakhstan even from the most remote rural hinterland, which meets fully the idea of the healthcare development public program “Salamatty Kazakhstan” and brings healthcare closer to its patients.  It is an enormous practical as well as informational help for us and our colleagues, - shares his impressions Vassiliy Batishchev a rural doctor, the only doctor in Sunkar, Nikolayevsk, Shyrynkul rural districts, Uyzbay and Sadovoye of Ossakarovka area.

For three years medical professionals of KSMU examined 54507 people in remote auls of  Ossakarovka, Nura and Bukhar-Zhyrau areas of Karaganda region, of which 19509 were children. 17557 people underwent screening examination, 17443 persons attended the consultative-diagnostic reception.

Many cases of early stages of various diseases, which are easier to cure within such period, as well as many completely neglected cases were revealed. Some patients were referred to be treated at Karaganda clinics or at Central regional hospitals, some of them were prescribed treatment at medical and obstetric centers or at medical ambulance stations. Doctorsfromregionalhospitalswillmonitortheresults.

Visiting Ossakarovka area medical professionals of KSMU, at the request of a local doctor, help children from Pionersk and Litvinovsk orphanages. Though medical examination of orphanage children is not included in the plans of the mobile medical complex, doctors from KSMU, after finishing examination of rural population, came to the orphanage late in the evening and examined children.

Pediatricians, candidate of medical sciences, docent Almagul Kuzgibekova and assistant of the Department of children’s diseases Gulmira Serikova, were, of course, the busiest doctors. Their teammates helped to consult on various pathologies. All children took blood and urine tests. Those needed dental care were provided it: someone was treated caries, someone was extracted the tooth.Psychologist worked with difficult children, whom the teachers asked about. Children, who needed serious medical care, were sent to Karaganda to the Department colleagues.

KSMU doctors can do such good deeds and never say aloud about it, because abilities to help, empathize, sympathize, have compassion are personal qualities, without which no doctor can be.

Load on any medical team specialist was large enough. Emotions were sometimes over the edge, as another's pain does not cease to excite the representatives of the medical class ever.But each of the professionals, who in turn succeeded each other in the trips, first of all, thought about how to work professionally to help the rural population.

Health is one of the most sensitive indicators of socio-economic development of the country. Mobile medical complex participants from KSMU remember about it and help rural residents to be healthy, teach them how to take personal responsibility for their own health.



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