Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Master’s students final attestation
08 August 2016
In 2015-2016 academic year 44 master’s students on different specialties such as: "Medicine", "Nursing", "Public health care", "Pharmacy", "Technology of pharmaceutical production", "Medico-preventive case" and "Biology" finished the course of training and successfully protected their thesis in the scientific and pedagogical and profile directions.
Excursion into the past.
28 July 2016
On the 6th of July 2016, the Department of obstetrics and gynecology had a visit to the museum of memory of victims of political repressions of the Dolinka village, Karaganda region. The museum is located in a big two-story building which is a former main administration house. It is built in 1933 by prisoners and designed in the strict style of Stalin neoclassicism.
On finishing Summer Language School Classes at Foreign Languages Department
26 July 2016
From 11th till 22nd of July, 2016 Foreign Languages Department held the summer thematic language school "Academic mobility of students" for the purpose of implementation of the Work Flow Chart devoted to the development of trilingual education in 2015-2020 in KSMU.
Practice in Tyumen
22 July 2016
In the framework of the academic mobility program from 21st June to 4th July we, the 3rd year students of the faculty of General medicine and dentistry, passed professional practice “Assistant procedural nurse” in the Tyumen State Medical University (Tyumen, Russia).
Professional internship based on municipal hospital #1 and municipal children hospital #1 in Novosibirsk
22 July 2016
From 31th of May till 4th of July 2016 we had an opportunity to complete an internship in Novosibirsk, Municipal Hospital №1 and Municipal Children Hospital №1.
Students pass training
22 July 2016
From 7 to July, 28 of current year, in obedience to Order of the First deputy of defensive minister - First Deputy of defensive minister - chief of the General staff of the Armed Forces of Republic of Kazakhstan №207 from May, 18, 2016 "About realization of educational collections of students ofsoldiery departments at higher educational establishments of Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016"
Young leaders towards a common goal!
18 July 2016
The priorities of youth policy are one of the key objectives of the Strategy “Kazakhstan – 2050” initiated by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Leader of the nation N.A. Nazarbayev.
Highly dangerous infections seminar at Health Department of Karaganda region
15 July 2016
In connection with the tragic events of June in the village Erkindyk of Shet district, the outbreak of anthrax and death of two people, Health Department of Karaganda region, in cooperation with the Karaganda State Medical University (KSMU) conducted series of events for medical staff training for especially dangerous, quarantine infections.
Master-class and academic mobility of foreign languages department in WKATU named after Zhangir khan
15 July 2016
From 30th of May till 10th of June, there was the master-class “Scientific-methodical aspects of professional-oriented language teaching in high schools” given by the head of foreign languages department, c.p.s. V.A. Burmistrova for 39 participants in the master-class – teaching staff of WKATU named after Zhangir khan (Uralsk), who had the opportunity to make acquaintance with actual themes for their professional activity.
Master class "Biology of Individual Development"
15 July 2016
From the 4th to the 9th of July the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics of Karaganda State University, in conjunction with the dean of continuous professional development, organized and conducted a workshop on the “Biology of Individual Development.”
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