Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Master’s students final attestation

Master’s students final attestation

08 August 2016

In 2015-2016 academic year 44 master’s students on different specialties  such as: "Medicine", "Nursing", "Public health care", "Pharmacy", "Technology of pharmaceutical production", "Medico-preventive case" and "Biology" finished the course of training and successfully protected their thesis in the scientific and pedagogical and profile directions.

According to the STATE by postgraduate education and according to the Standard rules of final attestation of students, test questions have been prepared.It reflects the content of the disciplines of obligatory component of basic and specialized disciplines.

Undergraduates presented their theses in hardcover, the brief summary of dissertation in Kazakh, Russian and English languages, the positive review of the supervisor; the list of publications, the certificate of inspection for plagiarism, the external review, positive estimation from the producing departments, positive estimation from the scientific and expert committees with recommendation to the protection of the theses.

  All theses as positively estimated by the members of attestation committee. The thesis protection was given in State and Russian languages. 

  The chairmen SAC noted the high quality of all the thesis and thanked for responsibility of each master’s students to the training. They wished a grate success to everybody in their future work.

The Department of the FCPD congratulate the masters with their success and wishes them a grate success in the fulfillment of their future planes!

Department of FCPD



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