Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Professional internship based on municipal hospital #1 and municipal children hospital #1 in Novosibirsk

Professional internship based on municipal hospital #1 and municipal children hospital #1 in Novosibirsk

22 July 2016

From 31th of May till 4th of July 2016 we had an opportunity to complete an internship in Novosibirsk, Municipal Hospital №1 and Municipal Children Hospital №1.

Municipal hospital №1 is one of the biggest specialized medical institution in the city? which was founded in 1930. It has 72 departments: oncological (urology, thoracic surgery, tumors of head and neck), radiological, surgery, urgent surgery, trauma department, 3 anesthesiology and resuscitation units, regional vascular center, blood transfusion department and many others.

We practiced our skills as physicians in 4 areas: surgery, therapy, obstetrics and pediatrics. At surgery, we mostly worked in urological, ophthalmological, otorhinolaryngological departments. During this practice, we improved our technics, assisted operations such as nephrectomy, prostatectomy, and cataract deletion.

Training in obstetrics was held in departments of pathology of pregnancy, maternity and post-natal units. Here we also assisted in all physical procedures and investigations.

Therapy cycle we attended in cardiologic unit, which consists in regional vascular center and is specialized on myocardial infarction. We took part in medical investigations, carried six-minute walk test out in patients with CAD. At coronary care department we examined patients with heart attack, stroke, familiarized with the principles of diagnosis and tactics of management of patients.

Pediatrics was held in Municipal Children Hospital №1. It contains therapeutic, infectious, surgical, resuscitation departments. During this training we improved our communicative possibilities, assisted in surgical and resuscitation units, worked in emergency room.

From the first day of our internship we were warmly greeted by the hospitals’ and university’s administration. All members of the stuff were always ready to help and advise in whatever we needed to know. In addition, we were lucky to visit some medical conferences, which took place in Novosibirsk exactly at that time.

We, students of the 4th year General medicine faculty, are very grateful to our University (KSMU) for the opportunity to pass professional internship in Novosibirsk.

4th year, General Medicine Faculty students:

Arystanbekova Bayan

Kalugin Alexander

Tsoy Ludmila

Yasnaya Natalya

Lyalina Ekaterina

Eremenko Oksana

Tashmetov Elyarbek

Koilybaeva Dalida



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