Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


“Under the Banner of Independence” Literary and Musical Evening
22 December 2016
2016 is the year, symbolizing a special period in the life of every citizen of our country. We observe a solemn celebration of the 25th Anniversary of proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 25 years of living under the banner of independence. On 16 December 1991 in our country was adopted the Constitutional Law “On State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.”
We are in favour of HIVprevention!
22 December 2016
On 2 December 2016 at the Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenerology was held a traditional annual conference dedicated to the World AIDS Day.
To Independence Day of Kazakhstan it is devoted
15 December 2016
In a vestibule of celebration of the most important public holiday of the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan for students of specialty "Nurse business" there passed curator hour in the form of the intellectual game "Our Homeland — Kazakhstan".
World AIDS Day on 1 December
15 December 2016
On 6 December 2016 at the Dormitory No. 4 by the Department of Epidemiology and Communal Hygiene was conducted a training on HIV prevention among young people. The purpose of the training was to teach students to evaluate the own risks, to avoid dangerous situations and protect themselves and their loved ones from the infection.
To 25-th Anniversary of Independence of Republic of Kazakhstan!
15 December 2016
A grand meeting, dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was held at the Assembly Hall of KSMU.
14 December 2016
Қазақстан Республикасы Тәуелсіздігінің 25-жылдығын мерекелеуіне байланысты біліктілігі жоғары мамандарын дайындау бойынша университет жұмысына жоғары үлесі, адал еңбегі үшін университеттің келесі қызметкерлеріне алғыс жариялансын
Aids. Do not give it a chance!
14 December 2016
On 25 November 2016 in the framework of the program dedicated to the World AIDS Day, was held an event called “AIDS. DO NOT GIVE IT A CHANCE!” under the direction of the Head of the Department of Immunology and Allergology M.A. Gazalieva
Happy 25th anniversary of Independence!
14 December 2016
Teachers of the department of the Russian language and first-year-students of the Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry congratulated our university and all the citizens of Kazakhstan on the 25th anniversary of Independence, and dedicated cover-competition to this date.
The literary contest "From the great history to the great future"
14 December 2016
On December 9, the literary contest "From the great history to the great future" was held at Karaganda State University named after Ye.A. Buketov in the framework of the national idea "Mangilik El".
Technology of organization of the writing process and the generation of ideas
14 December 2016
The practice of clear, deep and convincing scientific text writing begins with the first student’s written works and never ends. The ability to write scientific texts is central in relation to other research competencies.
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