Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Visit to Ural State Medical University (Yekaterinburg) within academic mobility program
20 April 2017
In the framework of the academic mobility program for the academic and teaching staff of Ural State Medical University and Karaganda State Medical University, with a view to implementing it practically, in the period from 10.03.2017 to 22.03.2017 was made a visit by the responsible for communal hygiene of Karaganda State Medical University, Candidate of Medical Sciences, senior lecturer A.D. Efimova to Ural State Medical University, Department of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases.
Day of Lovers “Kozy Korpesh-Bayan Sulu”
20 April 2017
On 18 April 2017, at the Building No. 2 of KSMU was conducted an educational campaign by the teachers of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology together with the interns of 6001 group and a pharmaceutical company. The event was held in honor of the Day of Lovers (April 15), “Kozy Korpesh Bayan Sulu”.
TAME project at IMEC-2017
19 April 2017
7-9 April 2017 the international conference on medical education "Health Professions Education without Borders" (IMEC - 2017) was held in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). The conference was attended by researches from 32 countries:
TAME project tutorials
19 April 2017
The international TAME project (Training Against Medical Errors), implemented within the framework of the European Union's Erasmus Plus program, unites 7 medical universities from 10 countries: Great Britain, Greece, Sweden, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Vietnam.
18 April 2017
From the 10 th of April to the 11th of April 2017 at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was held the IV International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Farabi Alemi” (World of Farabi). Master’s students, students and young scientists from the Republic of Kazakhstan and the CIS countries participated in the conference.
The professional oriented work of the foreign languages department with the graduates of CSS № 63, 59 and «Nazarbayev Intellectual School».
18 April 2017
On the 13th, 14th and 15th of April, 2017 the teacher of foreign languages department S.H. Alken carried out the professional oriented work with the prospective students in CSS № 63, 59 and «Nazarbayev Intellectual School».
Science and Interns of Department of Internal Diseases No. 1
18 April 2017
On 12 April at KSMU was held an international conference of young scientists and students “Science world and youth: tendencies and new horizons”. At the conference were young scientists from Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Belarus.
II Festival “Friendly Hearts”
17 April 2017
The Youth Festival “Friendly Hearts”, designed to unite the creative youth of KSMU in promotion and establishment of the eternal humanistic values of Peace, Kindness, Friendship and Beauty, is gaining momentum and becoming a tradition in our University.
If there is a team, there is the victory!
17 April 2017
On 13-15 April 2017 at the main building of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) was held the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference #SCIENCE4HEALTH2017.
Visit of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan
16 April 2017
The Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan Birtanov E.A. arrived on a working visit to Karaganda region.
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