Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Visit to Ural State Medical University (Yekaterinburg) within academic mobility program

Visit to Ural State Medical University (Yekaterinburg) within academic mobility program

20 April 2017

In the framework of the academic mobility program for the academic and teaching staff of Ural State Medical University and Karaganda State Medical University, with a view to implementing it practically, in the period from 10.03.2017 to 22.03.2017 was made a visit by the responsible for communal hygiene of Karaganda State Medical University, Candidate of Medical Sciences, senior lecturer A.D. Efimova to Ural State Medical University, Department of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases. This department was established in 1995 and combines the departments of communal hygiene with a course of labor hygiene and departments of food hygiene. The head of the department is M.D., Professor, honored worker of higher school, G.Y. Lipatov. At the department, along with the experienced teachers of the old school, work the teachers of the new generation and very young ones, who study in the master’s program or in the residency. Thanks to the teamwork, there is a high educational and methodical level of work at the department, being introduced new forms of education, created a modern material and technical base.

A.D. Efimova, during her stay at Ural Sate Medical University, delivered lectures on the municipal hygiene in the sections “Protection of water bodies”, “Hygiene of residential and public buildings”, “Planning and construction of populated areas”. The lectures were attended by Head of Department, Professor G.Y. Lipatov, Head of the course of communal hygiene, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor A.A. Samylkin, Dean of Faculty of Medical-Preventive Care, Head of Department of Hygiene and Ecology, Professor G.M. Nasybullina and the residency students and postgraduate students of the department.

In order to develop the practical knowledge and skills of students, there were conducted classes using the interactive teaching methods, which arouse great interest from students. Jointly with the head of the course of communal hygiene, Associate Professor A.A. Samylkin, were held various discussion sessions on drinking water for solving one or another problem.

In addition, there were held the negotiations with the Rector of Ural State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, M.D., Professor S.M. Kutepov, Head of Department of Epidemiology, Professor A.A. Golubkova, Dean of Faculty of Medical-Preventive Care, Professor G.M. Nasybullina, Head of Department of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Professor G.Y. Lipatov and with the staff of the department on the issues of the peculiarities of teaching at our university. They, in turn, told about their training programs and about the problems arising during the transition to the new programs. There were also agreed the further cooperation between Ural State Medical University and our University in various activities. At the beginning of the new academic year it is planned to conduct the sessions of distance training in the field of communal hygiene.

The Department of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases will use the collection of situational tasks on communal hygiene, authored by A.D. Efimova, as evidenced by the implementation act.

The work of the senior teacher D.A. Efimova was highly appreciated by the administration of Ural State Medical University, proved by the comment addressed to the Rector of our University, Professor R.S. Dosmagambetova.



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