Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Forum for young researchers
10 April 2019
On April 1 of this year, the XXXXІХ Conference of the Central Kazakhstan Branch of the “Small Academy of Sciences” of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held on the basis of the NCJSC “Medical University of Karaganda”. The main purpose of the scientific forum: to identify and support children who are interested in in-depth study of science and leading active teaching and research work.
Cooperation with the University of Vilnius in the field of Nursing
10 April 2019
In the frame of the academic mobility program, Natalia Fatkulina - Director of the Institute of Health Sciences of the University of Vilnius arrived at Karaganda Medical University. This is the second visit of an expert in the field of Nursing to Karaganda Medical University.
Training in resuscitation for school children
10 April 2019
On April 5, 2019, the MUK Practical Skills Center coach with 5th year students conducted an on-site training with students of the KSU “Secondary School No. 1 of the Akimat of Saran City” about the basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Pure nature - good health
10 April 2019
On April 7, on International Health Day, the students of Karaganda Medical University came to the square of the Central Park of Culture to make their city cleaner!The organizers of the first urban environmental action-plogging: the student republic "Samruk", the Student Support Service and the SSGC schools of public health and pharmacy were supported by the city authorities and caring citizens.
Presentation of the Abay-Vern Scholarship Program
10 April 2019
A meeting with Director of “French Alliance” Ekaterina Firsova was held at Karaganda Medical University. The main purpose of the visit was to familiarize students with the conditions of the Abay-Vern scholarship program.
«International Dental Show 2019»
10 April 2019
We are the students of Karaganda Medical University, consisting of 11 people, from March 10 to March 21 traveled to the European countries under the "Modern Technologies in Dentistry" educational program. Also we visited the World Dental Specialized Exhibition "International Dental Show 2019", which took place in Cologne, Germany.
Chemistry is a great power!
09 April 2019
On April 3, a quiz titled "Young Chemist - 2019" was held at the School of Public Health and Pharmacy.
Health championship
08 April 2019
On February-April 2019, the games of the XVIII football championship dedicated to the World Health Day were held in the sports complex of the medical university.
Research Skills in Detail
08 April 2019
For the development and consolidation of the skills of conducting a research-and-scientific activity in the framework of the educational program at the Department of Emergency Medical Services, the head of the Department A.R. Alpysova held a lesson on science-oriented learning among interns of GP 7-107,7-099, 7-075 groups.
Bіrқatar kүshtі teamar
08 April 2019
From 1 to 4 April in the city of Nur Sultan held a republican chess tournament among students for the Cup Dinara Saduakassova. There were 124 athletes (more than 50 teams), from 29 higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan whoparticipated in the tournament.
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