Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Projects in development
16 April 2019
On April 11, the “Project Day” project creation championship organized in the frames of program of the ERG Group, AlmaU and the Association of Friends of Tel Aviv University “Ecosystem of Student Entrepreneurship” was held at Karaganda Medical University.
Business Case for the Future Medic
16 April 2019
How to increase sales of Mars candies in Kazakhstan by 30% until 2021? This is the main question asked to students of the Medical University of Karaganda in the championship on solving business cases "Kemel Kasipker", implemented in the framework of the "Ecosystem of student entrepreneurship"project.
Tournament for intellectuals
16 April 2019
On April 13-14, the republican debate tournament «Болашақ жастары» “KMU CUP II” organized in frames of the Year of Youth and the implementation of the «Рухани жаңғыру» program was held at our university.
New generation gastroenterologists.
16 April 2019
We residents of the first year of study of the specialty “Gastroenterology, including children’s” Kaisina Alia and Samoilova Nadezhda within the framework of academic mobility for 2 weeks were trained in the National Health Insurance Clinic Ilsan, Goyang city, Republic of Korea.
Discussed issues of diagnosis and treatment of infection
15 April 2019
On April 5, 2019, on the basis of the Department of Public Health of Karaganda Region, teachers of the Department of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases of the discipline "Infectious Diseases" held a seminar on the topic: "Issues of diagnosis and treatment of EDI, meningococcal infection in clinical practice".
French by Nolvenn Josso
12 April 2019
On April 8, an intern in French language from the University of Poitiers Nolvenn Josso arrived at Karaganda Medical University. The main purpose of the visit is to conduct courses of French for students and university’s staff. The intern’s visit is organized in the frame of the strategic partnership program with the University of Poitiers.
Research and projects in nursing
12 April 2019
From April 1 to April 5, as part of the ProInCa project, a master class on “Qualitative research and project development in the field of nursing” was held at Nazarbayev University, School of Medicine. The workshop was organized by Medical University of Karaganda (Kazakhstan) and University of Applied Sciences JAMK (Finland).
The Charity tournament.
11 April 2019
The charity volleyball tournament held by the “Khareket Kayarymdylyk Kory” at the “Zhastar” stadium. The team of our university won a landslide victory, beating all rivals. The collected funds will be used to help low-income and large families.
Аcademic mobility One patient – for one doctor
11 April 2019
We are residents of the specialty "Anesthesiology and resuscitation (including children)" from 17.02.19 to 04.03.19 were trained by academic mobility program in the hospital of San Paolo at the University of Milan (Italy).
The Student League.
11 April 2019
The student league competition in volleyball has ended. There were 5 teams of girls and 8 teams of boys from Karaganda universities who played a set of medals.
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