Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Business Case for the Future Medic

Business Case for the Future Medic

16 April 2019

How to increase sales of Mars candies in Kazakhstan by 30% until 2021? This is the main question asked to students of the Medical University of Karaganda in the championship on solving business cases "Kemel Kasipker", implemented in the framework of the "Ecosystem of student entrepreneurship"project.

  This year the format of the championship was changed: the business case to the participants (158 people into 32 teams) was sent in advance to conduct a more qualitative analysis of the market. The organizers set a number of tasks for the participants: from determining the relevance of candies for distribution channels to developing a strategy to increase sales in 3 years.

  “We hope for original solutions of the “MARS” business case. Today it is important for its representativesto hear the opinion of future doctors about their products, how to improve them and increase sales. I sincerely wish you success in the defense” said Bakhyt Kosherova, Deputy in Charge of Clinical Work and Continuous Professional Development of Karaganda Medical University.

  All decisions were defended before a professional jury composed of: speechwriter-analyst of the Eurasian Group Gulmira Mathalikova, director of “KazRosTehnika” LLP, business trainer Zhanat Kelmagambetov, Deputy in Charge of Clinical Work and Continuous Professional Development of Karaganda Medical University Bakhyt Kosherova, Chief Specialist of the Youth Affairs Department  Alexander Urmashov, the Leaders of AlmaU Enterprise and Innovation Development Center Dinara Rysbekova and Daniyar Beksultan.

  “There are many interesting decisions. First, I am glad that students pay attention to the promotion of eco-friendly products. Participants propose to use self-decaying packaging, sweeteners in the production of candy, the replacement of certain ingredients for grain products and the development of new flavors that are targeted at Kazakhstani consumers. All presentations will be sent to MARS. I think each of the ideas will find support in the company” said the organizer of the championship Dinara Rysbekova.

  The jury recognized several teams as winners, but only the best speakers received the right to participate in the Big Ideas Camp, an entrepreneurial summer camp.

The Youth Affairs Department



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