Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Forum for young researchers

Forum for young researchers

10 April 2019

On April 1 of this year, the XXXXІХ Conference of the Central Kazakhstan Branch of the “Small Academy of Sciences” of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held on the basis of the NCJSC “Medical University of Karaganda”. The main purpose of the scientific forum: to identify and support children who are interested in in-depth study of science and leading active teaching and research work.

To participate in this competition, research works of students of 8-11 grades of general education and specialized schools and other educational institutions of the Karaganda region were taken in the following areas: valeology, biology, chemistry, ecology and medicine.Over 60 young scientists made a report at the conference.

In the section "Chemistry" about 40 reports were received, 11 of them were admitted to the second round and heard at the conference. The jury of the section included representatives of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines and Chemistry MUK: PhD, Ass. Professor Sotchenko R.K., PhD, Associate Professor Makhmutova A.S. and Master of Pharmacy, PhD- doctoral student Tulebayev Ye.A.

The presented research works had a novelty in a wide range of current trends in the field of chemistry and its practical significance.The performed works contained the author's conclusions, independent interpretations of the results and creative reasoning, which gave the section a great interest.As a result of stormy discussions, the winner of the section was determined.Diploma I was awarded to a pupil of the 10th grade of school No. 57 named after S. Sattarov Zhumabek Nurken. We wish all young researchers great victories and achievements!



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