Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Pure nature - good health

Pure nature - good health

10 April 2019

On April 7, on International Health Day, the students of Karaganda Medical University came to the square of the Central Park of Culture to make their city cleaner!The organizers of the first urban environmental action-plogging: the student republic "Samruk", the Student Support Service and the SSGC schools of public health and pharmacy were supported by the city authorities and caring citizens.

 Acording to one of organizers of the action, the President of the S.R.”Samruk” Iskandar Afizov, today it is very important to involve young people in environmental pollution problems, which are often caused by young people themselves. “Today, medical students of Karaganda hold this action for the first time in our city. The essence of the action is to collect garbage during a light jog. Inspired by this idea, our activists expressed a desire to hold such actions more often and not only in Central Park. Taking care of our native land, city and courtyard is the basis of the “Ruhani Zhangyru” program, the ideas of which we today must promote among young people ” said Iskandar.

The plogging was born in Sweden and are gaining popularity all over the world, including in Kazakhstan. This is a hybrid of a healthy lifestyle and caring for the environment.

During the eco-action, the participants got the idea to pass the baton to students of the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.Asfendiyarov in Almaty. “We want our action to be supported by other universities in the country. It will be great if we have like-minded people in other cities” said the participant of the action Kanagat Manap.

According to the results of the action, students of Karaganda Medical University together with the city residents who joined, collected more than 500 kg of non-degradable debris.

It must be remembered that the quality of life directly depends on the health of the environment. We decide what conditions we live in.

   The Youth Affairs Department.



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