Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


“Poetry party about love”
04 May 2014
The internal diseases department №1 with the therapists-internists of the 6th year, under lead of the head of department D.Zh.Tayzhanova and the course’s mentors – Tauesheva Z.B., Guseinova Z.K. were spent the “Poetry party about love”.
30 April 2014
The team of KSMU won the first and second places in the IInd Republican debate tournament «Medliga» among medical high and middle schools
My traditions – my wealth
30 April 2014
For revival of traditions of the Kazakh people, promotion of a state language and formation of feeling of patriotism at youth
30 April 2014
The dean’s office of preventive medicine, biology and pharmacy congratulates the student of the 1st year, Uzakbaev Nurzhan, specialty “Medical preventive care”, for the taken 1st place at the city tournament in қазақша күрес, for the prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Қазақстан барысы»(Karazhal city)
Conversation at the «round table»
30 April 2014
The round table « Library service : traditions and new technologies» was held on 9 April,2014 year in the Karaganda State Medical University.
29 April 2014
The experts from Finland conducted a pilot examination of the professional competence of graduates of the specialty «Nursing»
Bridge of educational friendship
25 April 2014
As part of the academic mobility, interns of 7th years of study Umertaeva Zhanna, Zhumakayev Akylbek and Esniyazov Dias, specialty "General Medicine" were directed for a practice to Hematology and Oncology department, Helios Klinikum, Bad Saarow, Germany in the period from 03.03.2014 to 28.03.2014. The main criteria for training were high academic skills and fluency in English language. Interns were assigned to the following leading doctors
The theme of the tutor hour" How do you choose your future wife or husband? "
23 April 2014
In honor of the lovers’ holiday " Kozy Korpesh - Bayan Sulu", thetutor hour with students 1-019 group from the General MedicineFaculty was held on the 16th of April under the guidance of Tulegenova Zhumagul Musaevnas’.
23 April 2014
Congratulations to Tokasheva Dana,3rd-year student to Public Health on her success in the 79th All-Russian scientific-practical conference of Young Scientists and students with International participation "Youth Science and Modernity" and the 1st place. Preventive health, biology and pharmacy Dean’s Office.
22 April 2014
Congratulations to Arimbekova Asem,4th-year student to Public Health on her success in the 69th All-Russian scientific-practical conference of Young Scientists and students with International participation "Actual problems of modern medical science and health care" and the 3rd place. Preventive health, biology and pharmacy Dean’s Office.
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