Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


29 April 2014

With the aim of further development and improvement of the competitiveness of the national health system in the Republic of Kazakhstan the joint project of the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development and the Ministry of Health «Technology Transfer and Institutional Reform in the health sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan» is realizing from 2009. One of the key components of the Project is the C-component «The reform of medical education and science». The realization of the actions of component is realizing in the RSE with the right of economic management «Republic center of health development». Thus, ffor 2014-2015 yy. it were planned the actions on the modernization of technical and professional, after-middle medical education. Particularly they include the development of educational program of applied bachelor on the specialty «Nursing»; the study of professional competencies of graduates of medical colleges on the specialty «Nursing»; the enhancing of the capacity of teachers of medical colleges, based on competent approach; the development and implementation of mento9  ring programs. The activities are conducted in conjunction with experts of federation universities of applied sciences in Finland: Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, Lahti University of Applied Sciences, HAMK University of Applied Sciences and the Laurea University of Applied Sciences, defined as international consultants to provide technical and methodological assistance in the improvement and development of the nursing service.

On the 24 of April Karaganda State Medical University had been visited the experts of the Federation of universities of applied sciences in Finland Päivi Homan-Helenius, PhD (Health sciences, Nursing science), the expert on enhancing of the capacity of teachers and research competencies, HAMK, and Teija-Kaisa Aholaakko, PhD Cand, LicEdSc, the expert on the study of competencies Laurea.

In the frame of the realization of C-component the experts from Finland conducted a pilot study of the professional competence of graduates of medical colleges and universities on the specialty «Nursing». As noted by Maral Kaliyeva, the head of the department of development of medical education of the «National сenter of health development», the Ministry of Health pays special attention to the development of nursing as indicated in the public policies and programs in health development. The personnel staff of medical institutions consists mainly of nurses. The improving of their professional competence is one of the priorities. The experts from Finland conducted the training for project managers in KSMU – supervisors Nadezhda Nikolayevna Sedach and Saida Sembaevna Utebayeva, the teachers of the department of nursing. The experts told how to conduct the research. The main part of the visit was devoted to data collection.

The 4th year students of «Nursing» speciality were examined. The purpose of the conducted survey was to develop the process of research competencies. The experts interested, how the questions correspond to the competence of graduates, how their number optimally, what difficulties students have when answering the questionnaire. The experts interviewed respondents after the study. Students talked about the troubles. So, experts especially liked that our students offered to separate the issues into three thematic groups. The experts pointed that the study was pilot and lead to optimal form the questionnaires that will be presented to students in May, as well as take into account all the technical difficulties encountered. The resultant questionnaires will consider all the comments that arise during the pilot study. All the answers that had been given will be analyzed and presented in a report, – the experts said.

After the questioning the meeting of participants of the pilot study took place. The conversation was about the development of the specialty «Nursing», about the features of applied bachelor, about the working off the process of main study of professional competences of specialty. The guests from Finland noted that our students are very respectful and friendly. 



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