Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


December 1 – World AIDS Day
09 December 2014
On November 27, 2014 Department of Epidemiology and Communal Hygiene held a training on HIV prevention among young people in the hostel №2 of KSMU. Since the spread of HIV is associated with the behavior, the most important role in the prevention should be allocated to education and training of young people. In this connection, the purpose of the training was to teach students self-assessment of risk, avoiding dangerous situations and protect themselves and their families from infection.
09 December 2014
Preventive medicine, biology and pharmacy Dean’s office congratulatestudent Kabdusheva Aigan for theI-st place in the Russian Scientific and Practical Conference «Hygiene and Epidemiology at the present stage», which took place on December 5 in Chelabinsk.
International Scientific and Practical Conference "Spirituality. Society. Medicine. Social challenges"
08 December 2014
International scientific-practical conference "Spirituality. Society. Medicine. Social challenges" was held on December 3, 2014. Conference was opened by the Academic Dean Professor V.B. Molotov-Luchansky.
The Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
04 December 2014
On the 1st of December, the whole country, the people of Kazakhstan are proud to celebrate the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main purpose of the celebration is citizens’ consolidation around the ideas and policy of the Head of the State, which became the foundation of sustainable development of the country during the years of Independence, now and in the future.
Meeting with a fairy-tale.
04 December 2014
Department of Educational and Social Work together with the group of dramatic art of КSMU conducted for the pupils of SD"Child's house for children with limit possibilities in development" is an enthralling event "Meeting with a fairy-tale" within the framework of celebration of World Day of thanksgiving.
Week of the State language «Медицинабілімі-мемлекеттік тіл аясында»
04 December 2014
From the 8th to 12th December, Week of the State language «Медицинабілімі-мемлекеттік тіл аясында» coincided withRK Independence day will take place in KSMU. The following competitions will be held within the frameworks of the event:
Round table
04 December 2014
On November, 21 by the department of History of Kazakhstan with participation students of КSU held a round table on a theme: " S. Asfendiyarov is a doctor, scientist, politician" sanctified to the 125-year of Kazakhstan statesman Sanzhar Asfendiyarov.
Topical issues of emergency care
04 December 2014
From 25th to 28th of November on the eve of the 60-year anniversary of the Regional Ambulance Station of Karaganda, the Department of Ambulance and Emergency Medical Care #1 conducted a master class on "Topical issues of emergency care”.
The meeting of the students of KSMU and KSU named after E.A. Buketov at the round table
04 December 2014
Nowadays the humanity is facing with lots of global challenges. “For our country and region I reveal out the 10 main challenges. We must take into consideration each of them if we have plans to achieve the new success in our development»- said Nursultan Nazarbayev.
03 December 2014
We are congratulating the third-year-student of General medicine specialty of group 3-073 Sergey Alexandrovich Yushuk on the first place at the Republic intellectual competition “The young explorer” which took place in Astana.
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