Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


"Talented together" in KSMU medical college
18 December 2014
On December 5, 2014 in KSMU medical college a competition "Talented together" was organized and held by the deputy director by educational workA.A.Ungarbaeva, teacher -psychologist D.A.Iskakova and the CSSG of college. The competition was held in order to identify and develop creative, intellectual abilities and cognitive activity of teenagers and raise the aesthetic standards of behavior and stage culture.
President is people proudness
15 December 2014
Meeting of teachers of anatomy department with the students of 1st year of «GM» specialty was held on 29th of November in hostel №1.The meeting was dedicated to the 1st President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is celebrated on 1st of December. The topic of the meeting was «President is people proudness».
The Independence Day of Kazakhstan
15 December 2014
The Independence Day of Kazakhstanis the main national holiday of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This date is celebrated in Kazakhstan on December16th. The festive eventdedicated to the Independence Day was held by the Department of Foreign Languages within the limits of the week of the official language of Kazakhstan on December 11th, 2014. The purpose of the event was to develop students’ sense of patriotism, love and respect for the country and the official language.
Topical issues of HIV / AIDS in the Republic of Kazakhstan
12 December 2014
On November 27 of this year in the lecture hall of the main building number 301 KSMU scientific sector KSSU KSMU organized a roundtable discussion on "Current issues of HIV / AIDS in the Republic of Kazakhstan" with the participation of the head of the department of preventive work of Karaganda Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS Nagima Tashtaevna Tulekbayeva.
Open lesson on the Kazakh language
11 December 2014
On the second of December of 2014 at the Department of Kazakh Language of Karaganda State Medical University, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Shakhina S.G. held the open lesson “Healthy Characteristics of Koumiss” in the 1003th group of MPC faculty.
To be the best among the first!!!
11 December 2014
On November 28, 2014 an annual V Republic student scientific and practical conference entitled "Modern Problems of healthy lifestyles among young people" was held in Karaganda state industrial university. Among 170 participants of the conference, Azami Rasulova (a third-year student of 3-083 group «General Medicine», KSMU) was awarded with the 1st prize. She represented the report on the topic: "Investigation of the mobile phones impact on the human health".
Students league crossed the equator.
11 December 2014
The games of the first circle are completed in championship of "Students league" of Karaganda region on football. Our team demonstrates a confident game, regularly surprising specialists and fans by the results.
In Karaganda State Medical University on December 8 was started the Week of Kazakh language «Медицина білімі-мемлекеттік тіл аясында»
09 December 2014
In Karaganda State Medical University on December 8 was started the Week of Kazakh language «Медицина білімі-мемлекеттік тіл аясында»
Republican rally of students of Kazakhstan
09 December 2014
The Republican rally of students of Kazakhstan which was organized by CF “Union of the student’s self-government and development” with the support of the Committee on Youth Affairs of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" was held in Aktau of Mangistau region on 25th of November, 2014. On behalf of our university the 6th year-student of "General Medicine", intern therapist Sagtaganov Zhaksybek has visited this rally.
"My country is Kazakhstan"
09 December 2014
On November 28, 2014 in the Drama Theatre named after Stanislavsky the competition among patriotic youth "My country is Kazakhstan" was held under the organization of Karaganda Regional Department of Languages Development. It was attended by the students of medical college of the Karaganda State Medical University. The competition was held in four categories.
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