Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The Independence Day of Kazakhstan

The Independence Day of Kazakhstan

15 December 2014

The Independence Day of Kazakhstanis the main national holiday of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This date is celebrated in Kazakhstan on December16th. The festive eventdedicated to the Independence Day was held by the Department of Foreign Languages within the limits of the week of the official language of Kazakhstan on December 11th, 2014. The purpose of the event was to develop students’ sense of patriotism, love and respect for the country and the official language.

The festive event beganwith the State Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The head of the Department of Foreign Languages V.A.Burmistrova congratulated the students on such a significant date.

The festive  event consisted not only of the concert performances, but also included a multilingual quiz (Kazakh, Russian and English languages) on the history and development of independent Kazakhstan, the winners of which were awarded the prizes and letters of appreciation.

The students from groups 1-042 GM, 1-045 GM, and 1-049 GM took an active part in organizing and conducting of the festive event. For example, Ashat Torebekov (1-049 GM) played the kui "Erke sylkym", D. Nuriddin and M.Seytkozha (1-049 GM) pleased the audience with the song "Ia Solay", and Aizhan Tleukhanova impressed the audience with her voice, singing the song "Egіz lebіz." In the final part of the event, the student of the group 1-049 GM Dosymbek Raіlhan recited his own poem "Zhasasyn Kazakhstan":

Жасасын Қазақстан жасай берсін

Тәуелсіз тұғырында мәңгі болып

Елбасы ертең еткен қызығы ма

Жүректен қиып берем әнді бөліп

Жасасын Қазақстан жасай берсін

Ғұмырың ұзақ болсын батыр елім

Атағың айға қонсын, күнге қонсын

Гул толып жайнасын таулы белің

Бала қыран көгіңде қалқи берсін

Күн жайнасын көгіңде балқи берсін

Бұл менің елім, бұл жерім мақтан болар

Жасасын Қазақстан жасай берсін



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