Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


Completion is near.
23 December 2014
There is only one day left to play in the second championship of КSMU on futsal, but a question about a winner is still open. Who would be next football champion will be known only in the last game.
"Кulky therapy" in a republican finale.
23 December 2014
2014 will be remembered forKVN-players of KSMU for a long time. The first in the history,our KVN-team reached the finale of republican major league "Zhaydarman".It is needed to mark that the last time of similar success KVN of Karaganda was achieved in the distant 2007 . At that time our city in the final game was represented by a KSU’s team "Uldar emes".
Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
23 December 2014
On December 15, 2014, a solemn event dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan organized by the 6-year interns of 5V130100 General Medicine was held at the department of Internal Medicine №2 during the morning conference.
Competition of young writers.
22 December 2014
The departmentof development of languages of Karaganda region conductedthe competition of young writers for expansion of the use of official language.Young poets and writers competed in the competitive program .
"Prospects of Development of Biology, Medicine and Pharmaceutics".
22 December 2014
On December 9-10, 2014 the Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with council of young scientists of the Southern Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical academy held the Second international scientific conference "Prospects of Development of Biology, Medicine and Pharmaceutics".
Native language is our priceless heritage
19 December 2014
Modern Kazakh poet and social activist of Kazakhstan Mukhtar Shakhanov wrote:"My Motherland is my point of support, my native language is our priceless heritage".This statement reflects the importance and necessity of the native language, native land for each person.And we, the Kazakh young future generation always try to live up to our name.
Interdisceplinary training
18 December 2014
As a part ofan interdisciplinarytraining, at the nutrition hygiene department , general hygiene and ecology, together with the course of hygiene in children and adolescents, the seminar lessons for students of the 4th year (specialty "Public Health") was held on November 2014
The pilot project of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points in Karaganda
18 December 2014
At the present time the Committee for consumers protection of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is implementing the program “Food production security under the conditions of preparing for entering in WTO” of the project “Technology transmission and holding an institutional reform in the health care sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan” funded by the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the International bank of reconstruction and development.
18 December 2014
We congratulate the students of the 1-011 group of «General Medicine» A. Burkhanova, A. Telmanov, O. Siyar, that took the first place in the V Republican scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of healthy lifestyle formation among the young people».
The III congress of the national association of phthisiologists
18 December 2014
On November 27-29 the III Congress of the National Association of phthisiologists with international participation on the issue of "Modern directions of development of phthisiology: scientific research and practical experience in the fight against tuberculosis was held in St. Petersburg." Priority was given to interdisciplinary approaches in the phthisiology.
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