Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The pilot project of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points in Karaganda

The pilot project of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points in Karaganda

18 December 2014

At the present time the Committee for consumers protection of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is implementing the program “Food production security under the conditions of preparing for entering in WTO” of the project “Technology transmission and holding an institutional reform in the health care sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan” funded by the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the International bank of reconstruction and development.

  On July the 1st, 2013 the Technical regulations of the Custom union 021/2011 “On food production security” became operative. They were set with the decision of the commission of the Custom union from December 9, 2011 № 880. According to the regulations a producer of food production has to elaborate, introduce and maintain all technical procedures based on the principals of HACCP. The world practice showed that the use of HACCP was the most effective instrument of preventive providing food production security at producer enterprise level.

  One of the key tasks of the project is introducing the principals of the HACCP system into varied food industry enterprises of Karaganda region (the pilot project). And the additional one is teaching the specialists of the medical and preventive specialization in accordance with the new approaches to provide food security. The pilot introduction of the new system of food production security based on the principals of HACCP is performed in certain food enterprises of the region. Thereupon under the guidance of the Committee for consumers protection and with the participation of the foreign and national experts and the specialists of Department of nutrition hygiene, general hygiene and ecology of KSMU it is designing the project of the curriculum for preparing the specialists of the medical and preventive specialization for the enterprise inspection where the HACCP system is introduced. The main purpose of the program is teaching of the students of MPB specialty and practicing inspection physicians dealing with the matters of food security and aspect of introducing the new strategy of food security and inspection system in Kazakhstan in compliance with the claims of the international practice.

  For many years Department of nutrition hygiene of KSMU is one of the leading departments among the Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan for preparing and repreparing of nutrition specialists who practically implement providing food security in our state. Department of nutrition hygiene began with working out the curriculum for learning the principal regulations of HACCP. Head of Department Professor Teryohin took an active part in the teaching seminars organized by the Committee within the bounds of project implementation in Kazakhstan. In addition to that on the 15th of October, 2014 the meeting of the department staff with the foreign and local national experts upon the issues of the program of teaching the main regulations on food production security and introducing of the HACCP principals in Kazakhstan was held.

And to complete the successfully started collaboration on the 13th of November in our university there was the teaching seminar for the advanced students of MPB and PHC specialty on the topic “The HACCP system as an instrument of providing food production security”.

  Director of the International Institute on security and quality of food production A.V. Vasilenko (head of the international group of experts of the project “Food production security and Kazakhstan entering WTO”), national consultant of the project of the Ministry of health care of the Republic of Kazakhstan B.T. Tleubekova and the staff of Department of nutrition hygiene, general hygiene and ecology of KSMU partook in the seminar. The experts presented in detail the fundamental principals and procedures of the pilot project of HACCP. The addresses were accompanied with the quite informative illustration in multimedia format.

Within the bounds of the seminar the experts with the department staff discussed the project of the curriculum on the topic “The HACCP system as an instrument of providing food production security”. The participation in the teaching seminars like those and communication with the leading specialists help our students to develop their professional training under the conditions of the perspective of Kazakhstan entering in WTO.

S.P. Teryohin

Head of Department of nutrition hygiene,

general hygiene and ecology, professor



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