Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Native language is our priceless heritage

Native language is our priceless heritage

19 December 2014

Modern Kazakh poet and social activist of Kazakhstan Mukhtar Shakhanov wrote:"My Motherland is my point of support, my native language is our priceless heritage".This statement reflects the importance and necessity of the native language, native land for each person.And we, the Kazakh young future generation always try to live up to our name.

In our university the last week was presented  as "the native language week" - "Taza til aptalygy".As the part of this week we celebrated  a variety of activities with the participation of our professors and students of our university.

The department of emergency medical aid №1 could not stay away from such an important event in the university life.

Under the guidance of the department professors, we, general medicine  faculty  students of the 5-008 5-028 groups prepared a poster for those who participated in the contest "Tugan zherіm - bolashagym.It was represented by the student Kadyr Dana (5-028 OM), and also she recited  with poetic works of her own composition "Tugan tilim" dedicated to the history of formation of the Kazakh language.

  Қазақ тілім-абыройым, тірегім, 

Ақ сүтіммен сүйегіме сіңгенім!

Жер сілкінген, ел толқыған заманда,

Ұлт сақтаған сен рухани діңгегім!

Уақытында хан да болдың, қор болдың,

Кезі келіп, маңдайыңда сор болды,

Ал қазіргі тарихыңның дәуірі,

Кемелденген, аяландың, қорғалдың!

Қасқалдағы желтоқсанның мен едім,

Тәуелсіздік қалағаным, керегім.

Сенің өлмес тарихыңды қорғаумен

Мәртебеңді көтерумен келемін.

Kadyr Dana, 5-028 gr. GМ

Department of emergency aid №1



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