Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
"Кulky therapy" in a republican finale.

"Кulky therapy" in a republican finale.

23 December 2014

2014 will be remembered forKVN-players of KSMU for a long time. The first in the history,our KVN-team reached the finale of republican major league "Zhaydarman".It is needed to mark that the last time of similar success KVN of Karaganda was achieved in the distant 2007 . At that time our city in the final game was represented by a KSU’s team "Uldar emes".

  On November, 29, with the assistanceof "Nur Otan"party and youth movement "Zhas Otan", under the aegis "Union of KVN of Kazakhstan" the final gala-concert of republican league "Zhaydarman" was held in Astana "Congress Hall".

  From February to November, more than two hundred KVN teams presenting all regions of Kazakhstan, contested the right to become the participant of final the six. And in nine months, six strongest collectives: "Ulttyk kurama" (Аlmaty), "Аgrar  rebels" (Astana), "АESA" (Аlmaty), "Baylanys zhigittery" (Аlmaty), "Кultegyn" (Astana) and "Кulkytherapy" (Karaganda) arrived to Astana to define the merriest and resourceful team 2014.A game caused large interest at mass medias, the state TV channel "Kazakhstan" prepares the show of the final  game in prime-time on the eve of New Year.

  Traditionally the game consisted of three stages:


2.Warm-up + Biathlon.

3.Homework and final song.

  Our guys were not frightened in a company of "masters of КVN" and won over the viewer in the capital the thin humour and artistry.An audience vividly reacted on successful numbers and witty jokes of Karaganda KVN-players, generously rewarding their with applauses.As a result, a competent judge marked so bright performance and awarded the honoured fourth place to our team.

  We congratulate the team "Кulkytherapy" with this success, wish good luck and many victories !!!

  N.Khusanov (401 PM,B and P)



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