Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
"My country is Kazakhstan"

"My country is Kazakhstan"

09 December 2014

On November 28, 2014 in the Drama Theatre named after Stanislavsky the competition among patriotic youth "My country is Kazakhstan" was held under the organization of Karaganda Regional Department of Languages Development. It was attended by the students of medical college of the Karaganda State Medical University. The competition was held in four categories. The student of the group 105 KGM Tatan A., Zhandaulet A., Amantay M. took the 3rd place in the category “The best video” and in the category "The Best Article" the student of the group 405 KMB O. Zulpyharova was awarded the letter of gratitude. Supervisors: the teachers of the GS and SED CMC Sagyndykova B.Sh. and M. Suragan.



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