Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


"The parade of array and a song"
19 May 2015
On May 5, 2015 in KSMU medical college the competition "The parade of array and a song" devoted to 70 - anniversary of the Great Victory and the Defender of the Fatherland Day was held! 8 divisions in competition took part (1st year students).
Kazakhstan medical students` association (KazMSA)
15 May 2015
The ІІІ National Assembly of Kazakhstan medical students’ association (KazMSA) and Annual Open International competition on the best project of students and young scientists were held on May 4-6, 2015 in H.A. Yasavi International Kazakh-Turkish university (Turkestan).
Thank you for the victory!
15 May 2015
On April 22, the department of Internal diseases № 2 and the students of the 4th and 5th years of General Medicine faculty organized the meeting with veterans and home front workers of Great Patriotic War in the Regional Center of medical care for war veterans.
Own game!
15 May 2015
An intellectual marathon “Own game”, organized by interns and staff of the department of internal diseases №2 with the dean’s office of internship, which was attended by interns of different faculties was held in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in Great Patriotic War on the 5th of May 2015 in KSMU. All the members demonstrated excellent history knowledge.
Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten
15 May 2015
On May 9,it became a kind tradition of personnel and students of military department annually to ennoble the Brotherly grave of warriors that died from wounds in the hospitals of Karaganda and grave of heroes of Soviet Union Farakh Kamaldinov and Fedor Shilyaev.
Our assistance to victims
15 May 2015
This spring was a severe experience for the population of Karagandy region. The wave of floods covered more than 1,000 private homes of the region. Rescuers urgently evacuated about 5000 people.Population of Abay, Karkaraly, Nura, Bukhar Zhyrau and Ulytay region suffered from meltwater.
15 May 2015
On April 28-29, Student Association «BIG start» organized the coach training "HIV-TOLERANCE" for the students of the 6and 7years of the faculty of internship.
Debate tournament "Unknown pages of Great Patriotic War".
15 May 2015
On May 5, the Russian and Kazakh leagues of debate club of the university conducted the debate tournament "Unknown pages of Great Patriotic War" between students and teachers, sanctified to the 70th anniversary of Great Victory.There were two generations, two looks to life.The participants of tournament came with the large volume of the reading literature.
15 May 2015
Preventive medicine, biology and pharmacy Dean’s office congratulates4-year student Tokasheva Dana and 3-year student Kuanish Zuldis for theII-nd place in the Russian Scientific conference « Actual questions of modern medicine and health »
Eternal glory to the heroes
15 May 2015
On May 9, 2015 all people of Kazakhstan celebrate the 70th anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic war in 1941-1945. In a threshold of this Great holiday solemn events for celebration of veterans honour of Great Patriotic war and workers were held on the whole territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also giving of honours and light memory to the heroes of giving the lives on the fields of battles.
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