Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten

Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten

15 May 2015

On May 9,it became a kind tradition of personnel and students of military department annually to ennoble the Brotherly grave of warriors that died from wounds in the hospitals of Karaganda and grave of heroes of Soviet Union Farakh Kamaldinov and Fedor Shilyaev.

At the end of April, in spite of rainy weather, the students of the third year of our university, student on military departmenttook an active part in cleaning up and ennoblement of territory of the Brotherly grave.

The mass meeting took place in the eve ofthe 70th anniversary ofVictory in Great Patriotic war, on May 2, 2015 on the Michaylovskoe cemetery at the monument of the warriors buried in the Brotherly grave.

Events, sanctified to the memory of warriors were organized by the chief of military department, candidate of medical sciences, colonel of the medical serving Amantai Mukhametzhanov.The personnel of department and group of students of the third year of faculty of general medicine and stomatology took part in that.

In his address Amantai Mukhametzhanovmarked that the losses of war are great and the pain of losses is heavy, almost half of our countrymen gone on front, forever remained there, lost in fights and buried with the battle comrades in brotherly graves. Today we remember those, that for the sake of future generations, without hesitation, gave most expensive, their lives.

After the performance of chief of department, students read patriotic verses and honoured light memory of all people died in this war by the minute of silence.

Upon completion of the mass meeting, participants laid wreathe and flowers to the monument to the reposing warriors and on the graves of Heroes of Soviet Union Farakh Kamaldinov and Fedor Shilyaev.

  Put a bouquet

  And in silence stand.

  And perchapce, sing the verseof


  Senior teacher of

  military department of qmu

  lieutenant colonel of supply S. Gorshkov



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