Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Thank you for the victory!

Thank you for the victory!

15 May 2015

On April 22, the department of Internal diseases № 2 and the students of the 4th and 5th years of General Medicine faculty organized the meeting with veterans and home front workers of Great Patriotic War in  the Regional Center of medical care for war veterans.  The chairman of the Veterans Council of KSMU S.A.Sartabaev, chief of hospital I.M. Akhmadishin, deputy chief of hospital E.E.Tulenov, specialist of the department for youth affairs of KSMU I.I.Milaeva, deputy dean of the internship Zh.B.Sharapieva were among the invited guests.

S.A.Sartabaev began the meeting in honor of the "70th anniversary of Great Patriotic War" victory day with the congratulations of veterans. He noted their invaluable contributions, and the fact that today's young  generation  see them alive. The people, that will talk about  exploits of their grandfathers, great-grandfathers, that died on the battlefield, to their children and grandchildren. Veterans shared their memories, recited  wartime poem dedicated to the victory over Nazism, gave parting words to youth.

The organization of the program was done by interns of the 6th years: I.Mehantseva, A.Sobyanin, V.Trofimova, A.Nauryzbekova, N.Karisova, K.Isaeva, D.Kabiev, V.Tsоy, O.Kononenko, E.Vysotskih, L.Shotik, O.Evgeyuk, Zh.Multenova, L.Siskova. The students of the 5th course: M.Golovina, A.Ischanova, T.Eremeeva, Ch.Abylhanov, G.Ganzhieva, I.Birzhanova, S.Madiev. The students of the 4th course: V.Rogozin, A.Shungulov, A.Shabarov, A.Lukina.

Students and interns presented amateur numbers: choral song "Siniyi platochek", "Pora v put dorogu", "Zhuravly", "Mgnovenie". Intern of 6046 group L.Siskova recited a poem of her own composition, "When last  veteran dies"which moved all the guests to tears. During the final song of the program "Victory Day" veterans were presented carnations and St. George's ribbon-as a symbol of bravery, courage and victory.

Head of the internal diseases №2 department Y.M.Laryushina and the chief of the hospital I.M.Akhmadishin uttered the congratulatory speech and thanked veterans for the victory and wished the long life to them.

It is impossible to convey the warm atmosphere, the soul thrill, hearts beating  in the concert hall, indicating that the young generation is not indifferent to the historical past and the future of our country.

Responsible person for educational work Sh.K.Scherbataev.



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