Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Own game!

Own game!

15 May 2015

An intellectual marathon “Own game”, organized by interns and staff of the department of internal diseases №2 with the dean’s office of internship, which was attended by interns of different faculties was held in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in Great Patriotic War on the 5th of May 2015 in KSMU. All the members demonstrated excellent history knowledge. It shows that young generation respects the Past. All the attendants were very interested in the process of the game, supporting all participants, that started to feel themselves the members of a real popular TV show “Own game”.

At the end of the game E. Hablo won by far with the result in 1900 points, and he was awarded by the dean of the faculty of  internship V.B. Tashkenbaeva, diploma of the winner of “Own game” and a souvenir. All the participants were awarded certificates, and the participants that passed qualifying round got the symbol of Karaganda State Medical University – Marmot.

Students of the 4th year of the department of general medicine: V. Rogozin, A. Shungulov, A. Shabarov took part in the program. Students of the 5th year of the department of general medicine: M. Golovina, T. Eremeeva, Ch. Abylhanov, I. Brimjanova also participated there. We want to note interns of the department of internal medicine №2: A. Sobyanin, V. Coi, A. Trofimova, I. Mehanceva for the greatest contribution in organization and conduction of the game.

The viewers noted the high level of prepared questions and technical support of the game and got a lot of positive emotions and holiday mood.



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