Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Debate tournament "Unknown pages of Great Patriotic War".

Debate tournament "Unknown pages of Great Patriotic War".

15 May 2015

  On May 5, the Russian and Kazakh leagues of debate club of the university conducted the debate tournament "Unknown pages of Great Patriotic War" between students and teachers, sanctified to the 70th anniversary of Great Victory.There were two generations, two looks to life.The participants of tournament came with the large volume of the reading literature.The drawing of lots defined the role of opposition to the teachers, the students spoke as government.Theme of the game: Medical experiments over people during the II World War – justified or not.Teachers proved that medical experiments over people during the II World War were justified.Students considered that no any scientific opening worth suffering of people.

Teachers, despite  questions about theirs position, were able to convince the audience that medical successes today it is a merit of those inhuman experiments.After completion of the game, the moderators I.Fisenko and Z.Rakhmetov gave the floor to the members of parliament, where they were able to express their opinion about resolution of tournament.All participants were generally of the view, that medical experiments over people during the II World War were cruel and inhuman. The errors of those years should not happen again.All participants of tournament got diplomas on results of the game and shook hands according to old tradition.

Igor Fisenko(2-074 GM)

Head of debate club «INSIGHT».



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