Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


22 May 2015
Dean of the General Medicine and Dentistry Faculty congratulates 2nd year students of the general medicine specialty, Alua Kenesova, Aigul Jetibayeva and Aikumis Abdi for taking third place in an International Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual problems of development of innovative economy in the Eurasian Union
Tournament of memory of champion.
22 May 2015
On May 16, the championship of city on Қазақша was held in КSU .The tournament was dedicated to memory of the first master of sport of the Karkaraly district Z.Tatiev.Our university was represented by the student of faculty of general medicine and stomatology Zeken Ermurat (gr.1-003). Showing the excellent preparation and also good will to victory, Zeken conquered the honorable 2-nd place in weight category "up to 90kg".
Day of memory.
22 May 2015
Every third Sunday of May World Health Organization conducts World Memory Day of AIDS Victims.On this day people in the whole world remember all those who was carried away by this dreadful disease.On May 15, the Department of youth affairs together with Association of medical students of Kazakhstan, debate club"Insight" and scientific sector of CSSG have carried out the action "Day of Memory" in the hall of 1st floor of the University.
Exhibition “Glory of these days will never become silent!”
22 May 2015
On May 15, the exhibition “Glory of these days will never become silent!” dedicated to celebration of the 70th anniversary of Great Victory and the 65th anniversary of KSMU was held at the Hall of 1st floor of the University. The exhibition was organized by the Department of Youth Affairs together with the studio of graphic art of KSMU.
Dear colleagues!
21 May 2015
In accordance with the order of the Chairman of the Committee for Control of Education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan №580 from the 27th of April, 2015 year, a quarterly scientific-practical journal «Medicine and Ecology» is entered in to the list of issues, recommended by the Committee for Control of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for publishing of the results of scientific activities.
Proper nutrition - the key to health.
21 May 2015
On May 15, information and preventive action "Proper nutrition-the key to health" organized by the Department of youth affairs in cooperation with the club of initiative students of KSMU with the support of the Karaganda regional center of healthy lifestyle was held in the TH CDS. The main objectives of the action: promotion of healthy eating, motivation of the population to choose a healthy eating behavior, raise awareness about the importance of a healthy diet in preventing disease and promoti
Holiday for centuries
21 May 2015
The events of the Great Patriotic War go farther and farther away into the history, but the memory of the great feat of the Soviet people and its Armed Forces, heroic work of health workers at the war fronts and in the rear will always remain among the people.
We remember, we honor...
20 May 2015
Activists of the student Board took active participation in the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory which was held in Karaganda State Medical University. Department on work with youth organized a number of activities to support students ' interest in history and the perpetuation of the memory of the fallen for the freedom and independence of the Motherland.
Victory Day
19 May 2015
May 6 in the auditorium of Karaganda state medical University was held a festive concert prepared by creative circles of the Department on work with youth.
Methodical week of the CMC of humanitarian disciplines
19 May 2015
Methodical week was held in KSMU medical college, for the teachers of CMC of humanitarian disciplines from 04.05.2015 till 13.05.2015. The purpose is to show methodical procedures and forms of organization of curricular and extracurricular activities of students of KSMU medical college, providing increase of learning motivation and cognitive interest. A plan of the methodical week has been developed and approved for successful implementation of the tasks.
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